Crystal's Mission

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Authors Note: This is my first fan fic I hope you like it. By the way I don't own Percy Jackson Rick Riordan does. I'm just writing a fanfic about the characters of Percy Jackson.
Crystals POV

As Lou Ellen lead me away, I started to worry if they would forgive Luke. A part of me hoped they will, but the other part of me is scheming how to get Luke and Percy together. Lou Ellen showed me around the camp but after we got back the ground started to shake, which can mean either the barrier is being breached or someone upset a child of Poseidon.

I followed her to the part of the barrier that is being breached. A crowd of demigods were there with my brother and a blonde haired girl with grey eyes in the front. Nico was there to with a blonde haired and blue eyed boy who was wearing the camp shirt underneath a doctors coat. Luke was next to Chiron and Dionysus who looked armed for a battle.

I walked over to my brother Percy and asked what was breaching the barrier. "I don't know what's trying to get through the magic barrier." He replied while not taking his narrowed eyes off the barrier. Just then the barrier shattered and through it came a hellhound from the Underworld.

Everyone ran to get into battling stances while I stood there thinking 'how do they expect to take down a hellhound?'. I went up to it and did what Persephone taught me. "fterna!"I said in a firm but commanding voice. When the hellhound heard me he whimpered and sank to the ground while doing the puppy dog eyes in the process." Bad hellhound, Very bad hellhound!" I said. Suddenly I had the feeling I went to far when I saw his sad eyes. "Sorry boy, I didn't mean it." "Your a good boy."

His ears perked up as I said those words. I gave him a belly rub and told him to go back to the underworld. I turned around to make sure everyone wasn't hurt but they all had their mouths open in shock. After a few seconds of looking at their funny shocked faces, everyone's faces quickly grew into cheer and started to huddle around me.

Then a horn blew signaling it was time for lunch. When I got to the pavilion I saw everyone with their cabins. I contemplated between the Hecate and Posieden tables when I finally decided and took a seat at the Poseidon table with Percy and Tyson. When we got our food I noticed everyone was sliding a portion of their food into the fire,

I knew of this but still wondered if I should do the same even though I'm a goddess. "Do I need to do it or do I not need to do it since I'm a goddess?" I asked to be safe. Percy replied that I should still do it even if I'm a goddess, so I got up and sacrificed two parts to Hecate and Poseidon. When I got back, Percy was having a conversation with Tyson about what materials Riptide was made of and how it was forged. As I listened to this conversation I thought 'this is gonna be a long lunch'...

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