The Task

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Crystal's POV

I don't know why dad is taking us to his palace, but all I know it is a little strange to do it now that we are the most powerful people in the universe but still. I packed quickly then hung out with Luke until we have to leave. Once dad came to get us he assured us that we can come back and visit on the weekends, so we can have a break from training. After we said our goodbyes, we were whisked away to Poseidon's Palace.

4 Years Later

We were sparring when dad came in and stopped us. "Your 4 years of training ends tomorrow, so then you can do the task." Dad said.I asked "What task?". "The task you were trained for." he replied. Then he left us to question what the task was. After the training I went to bed wondering what is in store for tomorrow. I was starting to drift into a deep and dreamless sleep awaiting what tomorrow may bring.

I woke up to our oldest brother Triton screaming wake up in my ears. After he realized I was awake and peeved at that he ran out of the room and left me to get dressed for the morning. I quickly flashed my clothes on and walked to get breakfast before training. But before me and Percy got up from the dinner table Dad walked in. " I am going to tell you about the task so tomorrow you can prepare." He said. He continued " Your task is to work with this group called the Avengers".

"The reason you are being sent to work with them is because a mortal named Nick Fury found out about us and is going to release our secret to the whole world unless we sent two demigods to work with them.".

"You are to keep your godly heritage and god/demigod powers a secret, unless there is no other option."."Obviously you aren't demigods, but the other Olympians wanted to send you two in case Fury tried something.". He paused before continuing "You are going to be announced as Prince Percy, and Princess Crystal obviously the kingdom your the prince and princess of is going to be kept a secret as well.".

After relaying other information we will need he disappeared leaving us to finish our breakfast in peace. After breakfast we went to training and staying in the training/sparring room until dinner. After dinner we went straight to our rooms to Iris Message our friends that we would not be coming back to Camp Half-Blood in a while because of a mission. After that I went straight to bed in hopes to have sweet dreams, and that Percy has one as well.

He still is being haunted by guilt every night.He still feels like he could of done something to save everyone even when it had been years since the Giant war. I wish I could help him but there is nothing that anybody or I can do other than try to comfort him. Just in case tho I am still going to lightly sleep so I can comfort him.

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