Hands are Interesting

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**Hallo everyone! This is the second oneshot! It's taken a little while, but trust me when I say that this was a LOT shorter than my usual wait in between chapters. Should I make the updates on this weekly, like I would update it every Wednesday? I will try my best to do that! Anyway, this is just a cute little oneshot (As most of them are likely to be) about GerIta considering the topic of hands. Really, hands are fascinating, in my opionion. And also Italy's opionion, because I wrote it that way.

        ALSO! If you have any requests for a chapter, feel free to ask! I will gladly write them for you! They can include ships other than just GerIta if you want, as well. I'm not really picky when it comes to Hetalia ships. The only couples that I feel absolutely HAVE to be together and never get with anyone else are GerIta (Duh) and SuFin (Sweden and Finland) *By the way, can somebody please tell me why it's called SuFin instead of SweFin or something like that? Thank you!*. So, feel free to ask away!

        I already have the idea for the next oneshot, and I've already started writing it out. It'll be a little mini crossover with Harry Potter. Nothing major, just the Start of Term Banquet and the Sorting. Because I have ideas on where the Hetalians (Specifically Germany and Italy) would be sorted, and I'm dying to write it down. Who knows, I might decide to make a whole other little oneshot series based soley on them at Hogwarts. If I do, it won't really have any major plot, it would just be a collection of a bunch of little stories. Let me know if you think that that is a good idea! And it's likely that, even if not many people think it's a good idea, I'll still do it because now the thought won't leave me alone. Ugh.

Anywho, on with the chappie!**


Hands are Interesting

        Germany sat down on the couch, looking forward to finally relaxing by reading a nice book after a long day of work. It wasn’t that it was hard, more that there had just been a lot of paperwork to fill out, and then he had had to deal with his boss’s rant about this and that. Germany was tired of dealing with other people, so for the time being he simply wanted to lose himself in Steppenwolf*.

        He had just gotten to the second chapter when he heard the pitter-patter of small feet from behind him. Germany decided that it probably wasn’t that important and just continued reading (It was a really good book). He didn’t look up when the feet were in front of him, and he didn’t even look up when there was sudden added weight to the seat beside him. In fact, Germany didn’t pay any attention the figure sitting by him.

       That is, until the figure decided to remedy that.


        Germany was only using one hand to prop the book open and flip the pages, leaving the other to simply rest by his side. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a slim, tan hand reach out and grip his own large, pale hand tightly. Germany liked the warmth that it provided, but didn’t ponder it past that point. This, apparently, wasn’t what the person had wanted, and they began to stroke small circles on the back of Germany’s large hand with their comparably small thumb.

        It was at this point that Germany looked over, just for a second, at his couch partner. Of course, it was Italy. He had recognized him by the color and shape of his hand. That was why he hadn’t pushed the hand off- Germany wanted to not hurt his lover’s feelings. And, well, the gentle strokes he was rubbing into his hand felt really good.

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