German Lullaby

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**Hallo again! This isn't the Harry Potter crossover I promised, but that one is coming! Eventually! I just had so many ideas for so many little oneshots that I couldn't NOT write them first, you know? Anyway, this is, once again, purely fluff. So much fluff. IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE. *CoughCough* I actually have an idea for an angsty one, but I'm trying to gather the courage to actually write it. It won't end happy, there will be no happiness what-so-ever in it. Just really feelsy. Also, it will be a song fic. Try to guess what song it is (It's a sad song, fairly recent) and I'll write anything you want me to! Terms and conditions may apply (and they do).

Also, this is somewhat of a songfic. I mean, there are songs in it, but the story is not based on the songs. It's more that a character is simply singing a song. So, technically a songfic I guess, but not really.

WARNING! There is a bit of language in here! (Courtesy of Romano) Nothing major, just a couple of bad words repeated about three to four times. If you do not like it, don't read it. Although, it really is only there for about, roughly, a paragraph, and seeing as this is quite long, you would miss a great deal of story. It's up to you, however.

Anywho, onwards and forwards!**


German Lullaby

        It was quiet all throughout the house as Italy slowly blinked his eyes open. The sunlight was slowly filtering in through the spaces in the curtains, landing softly upon the Italian as he awoke to the world at last. Italy didn't really feel like getting up- it was Saturday after all-  but he also knew that the sooner he got up to face the day, the sooner he could once again be in the presence of his lover.


        Italy smiled at the thought of his blonde partner. To almost everyone else in the world, humans and countries alike, he was a stern individual with no patience for anything but work. Italy, however, counted himself as one of the lucky few who knew the truth- that the Germanic nation was really a sweet, shy person who wasn't the best at articulating his feelings, but was undoubtedly one of the best friends you could ever have. He was always willing to lend a helping friend to those close to him (He had certainly done so for Italy on numerous occasions), and offered a calming presence whenever one found themselves stressed or anxious. Germany would then proceed to, after the person (Usually Italy) had calmed down, help to methodically sort out the problem.

        Not only was he a great friend, but he was also (and Italy prided himself on being perhaps the only person who knew this) a great lover. He wasn't incredibly romantic, like France, or over the top, like America. He wasn't as sure of himself as Spain, and he didn't exude charisma like Romano did (at least towards people he liked/didn't know). In fact, he was rather timid and unsure, which is unlike his intimidating physique would lead you to believe. Whenever Italy kissed him or hugged him close he would blush. Germany wasn't too fond of public displays of affection; if Italy so much as held his hand while out of the house he would turn red and splutter a little. It wasn't that he wasn't good at things like that; rather, he was just simply uncomfortable with it all, seeing as he was a naturally introverted person (at least to some extent). Italy didn't really mind this, however; after all, it was simply the way Germany was, and Italy loved Germany immensely. So it didn't matter if he wasn't the country of amore. Plus, Italy thought it was cute when the usually serious nation grew pink like a carnation.

        As Italy finally got up and began to get ready for the day, he pondered something that had bothered him for a little while. While he was perfectly happy with knowing about Germany's softer side (Don't get him wrong, Germany was strict and stern. He just had other aspects to his personality.), no one else really knew about it. To some degree he was selfishly pleased with this, but on the same token he wanted the world to see Germany the way that Italy saw him; as someone with a tough exterior and a warm, kind interior. Japan, Prussia, Hungary, and Austria knew about this- after all, they were the countries closest to Germany besides Italy- but it wasn't really enough. Italy wanted everyone to appreciate Germany the way that he thought Germany should be appreciated. He wanted his love to be recognized for not just his work ethic, but his heart as well.

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