Lots of Picnics

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**Hello hello! I know this is another story in a fairly short amount of time, but it's just a collection of one shots, not an ongoing...story. The main pairing will be GerIta, but if you have a ship that you want to see in a chapter thingy, feel free to ask! I also feel that I have to make it clear that the ships should all be Hetalia related, though hopefully you were able to figure that out. ^_^

This will be written in the format of many different stories all in one thing-a-ma-jig. Hopefully, it'll be easier to explain later.

Also, to halt any questions that might come, I will be using a lot of OTP prompt type deals to inspire me for oneshots. Because, in all honesty, I wouldn't be able to come up with a lot of adorable ideas all by myself.

Let the first oneshot commence!!**


Lots of Picnics

        The sun gazed lazily upon the small hill, giving it enough warmth so that it wasn’t chilly when the wind blowed across the grass. There were a few flowers, mostly Cornflowers and Dandelions, and the attractive flowers added a delicate, peaceful feeling to the atmosphere that surrounded the two people perched on top of the small slope.

        To anyone looking in on the two, they would have immediately noticed the ecstatic over exuberance of one and the quiet happiness of the other. They looked quite the mismatched pair; the kind of couple that not many people would ever believe being together, but lo-and-behold, there they were.

        “Ludwig Ludwig Ludwig,” the shorter of the two cried, grabbing onto his companion’s arm as he essentially jumped up and down in excitement.

        The taller man, Ludwig, sighed, looking down at the man (and he was a man, not a child) by his side. “What is it Feliciano?”

        Feliciano smiled happily, before bouncing to his feet and running down the hill. Ludwig watched his chestnut-haired partner as he giggled and nearly slipped once. This was a regular occurrence with the Italian man, and, to be honest, Ludwig loved hearing him laugh abundantly with glee. Of course, Feliciano laughed quite often, but sometimes Ludwig could tell that it was fake or forced. So, when an opportunity came for them to have a day off, and away from their bosses and all of their pressing work (not that Feliciano worked much anyway), they gladly seized it.

        Today they were having a picnic in Baden-Württemberg, a federal state in Southern Germany. All around them there was beautiful countryside, and Ludwig drank the sight in, reveling in being surrounded by nature and in the company of the person most important to him. The nation (And they are nations, Ludwig being Germany and Feliciano being Northern Italy) didn’t often feel this relaxed, as he constantly had to deal with other things, like work.

        Feliciano, however, was busy running around in the flowers, thoroughly fascinated with their loveliness. He had Cornflowers in his homeland as well, but he knew them by a different name.

“Germany, these flowers are so beautiful! Molto carino e colorato*! Aren’t these blue ones your national flower?” He inquired, finally finishing his thought from earlier. He had gotten a bit distracted by all of the lovely flowers.

        Germany smiled, and nodded his head in affirmation. “Yes, that is correct Italy. The Cornflower is my national flower, even though some people consider it a weed. But it is my understanding that you call them something else?”

        Italy nodded, smiling brilliantly and the flora around him. “Sì! I call it Fiordaliso! But lately it’s been more and more rare, and it makes me sad to see it go.”

        The blond nation beckoned Italy over to him, and remarked as he walked back over, “Well, it is still abundant here, so whenever you come over you are welcome to visit them. Now come on, it is time to eat this food,” He pointed to the basket on the blanket he was currently residing on. Italy jumped in joy, and hurriedly sat down besides his lover.

        “Yay, I brought pasta!!” Italy exclaimed, quickly pulling out plates and dishing out food for the two. Germany observed him, smiling in exasperated affection at the other’s antics. When Italy offered him a plate, he accepted and began to eat, noting that, although Italy always prepared pasta, at least it was delicious.

        Italy dug in with much more gusto than his companion, and with much less reserve. He slurped up the noodles, smiling in contentment as the flavors washed over his tongue. Pasta was one of the Italian’s main loves, right alongside Germany and siestas. Mmm, maybe he would do that later; take a siesta out here with Germany, underneath the warm, blue sky.

        He finished his pasta quickly, looking over at his lover to see if he had finished as well. He hadn’t. Italy should have known, the German was never one to rush things. Feliciano leaned over and rested against Germany’s shoulder as he continued eating. He began to mess with his slicked back blond hair, wanting to dishevel the neatly arranged locks. Italy loved to see him with his hair hanging across his face, so when he woke up in the mornings (after nights Italy spent over), he would just look at Germany a moment before getting up to get breakfast. The only thing that could move the Italian from sleep: food.

        Now, as he was mussing with his hair, Germany rolled his eyes and finished eating, putting their plates back into the basket. Italy immediately dragged him down onto the blanket with him, and snuggled up against the German’s side.

        “I’m glad we could come here Germany,” Italy mumbled, leaning over to kiss his lover quickly before curling up to take a nap.

        “Me too, Italia,” Germany replied, and smiled gently when he heard the Italian’s steady breathing. Perhaps they should take the time to have picnics more often.

*Very nice and colorful! -Italian


End of Lots of Picnics

**Hopefully it doesn't look too bad. I copied it over from another document, and right now it looks bigger than the writing I put at the beginning. Eh, no matter! I hope you enjoyed it!

Have a great day/evening!!**

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