Cioccolata Calda o Heiße Schokolade

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**Hey hey!! Here I am, finally back with another oneshot! Sorry for the long wait, I got really sick, and THEN I had a toooon of school stuff to do, and I just felt like meh. XP But coming up soon I'll have a whole week off, and I won't be doing anything but writing!! Well, also reading, but you get the idea!!

        This oneshot is actually a request for AttackOnLeviAckerman, who was really kind and polite in asking for this. ^_^ What you said really meant a lot to me!!

        I'll have another oneshot up really soon, because I was already in the process of writing it when I got AttackOnLeviAckerman's request. Since its somewhat related (In a season-y kind of way), I'm thinking that I'll finish this little impromptu mini-series by writing another two oneshots about Spring and Autumn. It's sure to be interesting. And THEN (I do that a lot...) I'll finally write my Harry Potter oneshot crossover!! Actually...


        For the past few days, I've been reading a lot of Hetalia/Harry Potter crossovers, which has just rekindled my dear love for Harry Potter. My favorite ones were all when they were at Hogwarts being students (for the most part) while Harry is in his fifth year. Which is when Umbridge is there. Now, I absolutely HATE Umbridge (even more than Voldemort), which is why I thoroughly enjoy her being put down by England, America, Germany, etc. So, I've been inspired to start another crossover, this time between Harry Potter and Hetalia. I will still be working on my other crossover (Hetalia and Percy Jackson), but at the moment I've kind of lost steam with it. I will finish it, however, no matter how long it takes. That's my philosophy on all of my stories. (And seriously, it does take me forever, which is amusing since I've only ever finished one...) The crossover will be, of course, in Harry's fifth year. I don't really know when it will come out, since I want to reread it just to refresh my memory (I've read it more times than I can remember...), or at least get my hands on a copy that I can have with me while I write it. Some parts would be the same from the book, but then there would be a sharp change that results in something new. And I'll be borrowing small ideas from various other stories, but nothing major. Just something that gets the nations actually AT Hogwarts, and then everything else will be original. Also, one last thing on this topic, I wouldn't be including all of the nations as main characters. Probably only: Germany, Italy, Japan, England, America, China, France, Canada, Russia, Spain, and Romano. At most. I might change my mind on a few of them, depending on how well I think I can write them and/or how I plan the story out. So, yeah. My next major project.

        *RAMBLE OVER*

        There we go. By the way, the title for this chapter is in three different languages. I'll tell you what it means at the end of the story, if you can't figure it out beforehand.

I just realized that I've never really disclaimed any of my stories yet. Oops.

Who wants to do it today? Germany, how about you go first, sweetheart?

"Fine. OriginalWriter267 does not own Hetalia, or Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, no matter how much she may wish she did. The only things she owns are some of the books of the two series and various Hetalia merchandise."

*Sniffles* But not any cosplays...Yet. One day, one day...

Onwards with the chapter!!!**


Cioccolata Calda o Heiße Schokolade

        The sound of rustling papers the scratching of a pen were the only sounds that disturbed the silence in the neat office. A tall man with blue eyes and blond hair sat at a simple desk while he apparently did some type of paperwork. The window behind him, which was steadfastly closed, showed that outside there was a small snow flurry blowing through the area. No doubt it would become a full scale blizzard by the end of the night.

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