A Fairy's Bleeding Heart Pt.2

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I flew towards the King Dorephan's chambers with Sidon in my arms and knocked on the door a few times. After a few seconds the large doors opened and I was met with a giant zora. I flew upward to meet his eyes. The king looked confused as too why I was there and with Sidon.

"Y/n, Sidon, what are you doing up this late shouldn't you be asleep by now."

He said while Sidon saw his father and reached out to him and took him gently from my arms.

"We were your highness, however an intruder broke into the prince's room and held Prince Sidon hostage. I couldn't use my magic without Sidon being in the crossfire as well as the hylian held a knife to his head. I did managed to paralyze him temporarily while making a deal with him."

I spoke too fast because of the amount of adrenaline pumping through my veins.

The king had a look of worry, first one was about his son being held hostage and almost harmed but also for my safety. He knew I was strong but he considered me as family and didn't want to see me hurt either. He looked down at his son who was very small in the palm of his hands, and saw how Sidon was shaking slightly probably from fear.

"The intruder where is he?" He asked in a serious tone.

"The guards have him in custody and are most likely taking him to the dungeons as we speak. I am sorry your majesty, had I been more observant Sidon wouldn't be held hostage." I said looking ashamed I couldn't do much.

"No, no need to apologize young Y/n, I owe you a great amount of gratitude for saving my son. What happened in there exactly?" He said holding a sleepy Sidon.

"The Hylian had broken in to the prince's room as I got Sidon and I ready for bed. However, he only held Sidon hostage in order to get what he wanted which was me or more or less what I can give him." I kept explaining.

"Hmm if this Hylian was able to break in here then it is something we can not ignore. You said he is paralyzed correct? Meaning he can't move, how long can you hold that spell?" He asked me.

"Not for long once the guards bring him to the dungeons I can't hold it for much longer. The longer that spell holds the more chance I have in turning back to replenish my magic." I said slightly concerning.

"I see. Y/n please I ask this of you because I trust you. Can you hold that spell until morning, I understand the consequences and I will take responsibility. I ask because I worry for the safety of my children and the domain itself or anyone in it. Though I will not go through with it if you are uncomfortable with the idea." He asked kindly.

As he asked for my permission to hold the spell until morning, I looked at his hands where he held the baby zora. I did hesitate because holding a spell takes alot out of me since I am yet to fully master my magic. I still needed the practice so I wouldn't transform back to my tiny fairy self.

Turning back means I would have to either go back with my mother and stay in her pond or stay with The Great Deku Tree in the Lost forest. They both have a small bodies of water that can help replensih my magic.

I don't have anything against staying in either place. My problem is that my body takes to long to replenish, and I would have to stay there for a month or more depending on the amount of magic used.

Looking at King Dorephan I sighed..."I'll do it your majesty, I can hold out for awhile longer but I need a body of water to concentrate. This is in order for the spell not to falter as it's in affect. I don't want anyone to get hurt and seeing Sidon almost become a victim worries me not just for him but everyone here." I said looking worried but determined.

Sidon's Fairy (Prince Sidon x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now