Going Back

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3rd POV:

It has been three days since the trial and the trio were about ready to leave. Earlier Y/n got a letter from her mother saying that she would have to come home for abit then travel to the Lost Woods. Mija was to carry out the rest of the Hylian man sentence.

King Dorephan bid us farewell and Mipha along with Sidon in her hands were to see us off from Inogo Bridge. Y/n was perched on Zelda's shoulder as they were walking to Inogo Bridge. They were all chatting away and having a wonderful time laughing and joking around.

Sidon never took his eyes of Y/n and even reached out to her. Y/n saw this and got up and flew up to him, controlling her glow so he can see her clearly. She was flying infront of him and flew in circles around him as he giggled happily.

"Are you sure your fine Y/n, I don't mean to be a pest but I worry for you my friend." Mipha asked with a gentle smile.

"I'm ok Mipha thank you and I'll be fine. I'll be parting ways with Zelda and Link to head to my mothers fountain. From there I'll be heading to The Lost Woods, i'll take stops ofcourse throught the stables placed on the ways there." Y/n flew up to Sidon petting his head.

"Are you sure you won't need and escort im sure once we get back to Hyrule Castle we can send one out with you so nothing happens." Zelda asked.

"No but thank you princess, I'm sure I can handle myself. I rather not bring someone who can't enter the Lost Woods with out The Great Deku's tree permission and leave them out there." Y/n said with confirmation.

"Very well my friend but anything happens you get yourself to safety aa quick as possible. Understood." Mipha said trying to act tough.

Y/n giggled in response. "Of course mother."

They arrived at the edge of Inogo Bridge and were ready to say goodbye. They all began to say goodbye and the trio were beggining to be on there way. Sidon saw that Y/n was starting to fly away from him and tears were starting to spill from his tears.

Mipha noticed and tried to calm him down before he started to cry even louder. Unfortunately it didn't work and he began crying his little heart out not wanting Y/n to leave. The trio heard Sidon cry and looked back and saw how upset he was. Y/n flew up to him for a quick moment.

"Hey....it's ok Sidon dont cry little prince I promise I will come back soon." Y/n said patting Sidon's crest giving him a small kiss.

Sidon stopped crying and looked at the fairy and only held in sniffles.

Your POV:

I looked at the prince and decided to make him something. Using my magic I made a small silver whistle.

"Mipha if you would." I handing her the whistle.

"Of course." She answered and grabbed the whistle to put around the prince's neck.

"See this whistle Sidon. When it glows it means I'm near see." I said as it glowed.

"When you learn how to blow into it, it will call me when ever you need me and I will always come back." I smiled.

"Don't you think he's to young to use it." Zelda announced.

"He is now, but I know he will learn how to use it when he gets alittle bit bigger. Isn't that right little guppy."

I said looking at Sidon smiling. He gave me one back.

We all chuckled slightly.

"On behalf of my brother, Thank You Y/n for the wonderful gift. Do be safe on your travels all of you." Mipha said smiling at us.

Sidon's Fairy (Prince Sidon x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now