Self-Harm (Part 3)

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So, my last two self-harm chapters were about stupid people using cutting for attention. This one's going to be similar, but i'm pretty riled up right now because I just saw a picture of someones cuts on instagram. Basically, i'm irritated and i'm going to take it out on wattpad. Sorry if I marginalize anyone.

I may be offensive and make light of a serious situation, but if you're not mentally unstable, you'll get that i'm not targeting anyone in specific. Rather, it's a group of people that are misguided.

Don't be an idiot. If you post a triggering photo, you're not fixing the issue or helping yourself. You're propelling it forward, which is all these photos are good for. If you saw all the search engine results with free counseling and therapy, you'd be wondering why you slit your arms and then post them to Tumblr. If what you want is 1,000 notes, you're dumb. Gee, way to prove that you don't cut for attention. Because you totally aren't, since you just posted pictures of your slitted arms and thighs. You really want help? Google it. You'll find legitimate therapy instead of imposing your suffering on others. Teenage depression is pretty common. Google that too while you're at it.

Some people say it's called puberty.

And you're not stupid, so process what I say. Talking to a counselor or therapist is a good idea, NOT writing a long essay on the internet, trashing everyone who's ever told you the truth about the stupidity of self-harm. Because it is. And you're avoiding it. 

"Hey everybody, pay attention to me. I have legitimate mental problems but I don't want anyone to know." Then you post a picture on Tumblr of your cuts. "Don't follow my blog, i'm not doing this for attention." Then you post another picture. "Don't reblog or like my pictures, I swear i'm not doing this for attention." Then you post another picture. "Hold up, I gotta start on my other arm, I ran out of room. Wait no, I like this arm. I'll do my thighs." Then you post another picture. "I like using silver blades because they're sharper." Then you post another picture. "Stop paying attention to me!" That's literally what you look like and it could not be more obvious. You're inspiring people to do the same because you recieve the attention you crave. However, it doesn't help anyone. You not only get thousands of notes, you also recieve misplaced pity even though you voluntarily inflicted yourself with wounds. 

If I put a knife to my neck and ask people to feel sorry for me, they will most likely ask me to slowly put the knife down because i'm the one getting ready to KILL myself. (Btw, this would never happen because i'm not suicidal). But then I tell them that I can't put the knife down because i'm an idiot. Even though people are willing to help for FREE, you refuse to take it and continue to destroy your perfectly healthy body. It is beyond stupid. So keep posting triggering photos, because you don't want help and you did this to yourself. There's no one to blame but you. No one has a reason to feel sorry for you OR your circumstances. Woopsy daisy.

It's such a cop out. I'm sure if people on Tumblr read this, I would get so much hate oh my god. But I don't care what people say about me OR if they lose respect for me because they don't deserve my respect either. It's mutual, how sweet. All you're doing is grabbing peoples' attention and begging them for sympathy, while pathetically whining about criticism that you can't take and how people are bullies. When in reality, you were the person that mutilated your body. Sorry, but that's your fault, so don't cry for help.  

Everyone reacts differently to criticism, but are you sure the problem isn't YOU? It's a personal thing. Don't be overly sensitive and destroy your arms, only to shift the blame onto others. Don't fish for sympathy and attention when people could invest their time in someone with LEGITIMATE problems. Reality check, you should be lucky you live in a first-world country, that you're not physically disabled, and that you're healthy. You take this gift and throw it out the window. People use their bodies to their advantage, and only the stupid ones do what you do. You're not the only person living on this planet, got it? Everyone goes through emotional pain. If you actually considered help, here you go.

FREE and Confidential Counseling
Live Chats: (2pm-2am ET) or

S.A.F.E. Alternatives for Stopping Self Abuse or 1--800-DONT-CUT (366--8288)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or 1--800--273-TALK (8255)

Thanks for listening~~

xoxo, Mel

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