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Okay, this is also something that fortunately i've never had to deal with, but I know many people do. For this rant, it's not about anorexic people who actually have an eating disorder, it's the people that aspire to LOOK anorexic because they're desperate to be skinny.

1. It's extremely unhealthy.

If it isn't obvious enough, if you are far too skinny, it doesn't look attractive. Don't starve yourself, because it's good to have some muscle (and fat) on your body. So please eat some food. And if you're really struggling with anorexia, therapy is the answer. Seriously, if you think you constantly need to be skinnier, you really don't. Extreme obesity, (and when I say obesity I don't mean cute and chubby, I mean actual obesity, like 400 lbs), isn't healthy either, but if you're skin and bones, they're one in the same. Either way, you're destroying your body. Whether it's deliberately starving yourself or because of poor dieting, none of it's attractive. Sorry, that's my opinion. 

If you aspire to look like someone who's thin, they're probably skinny because they can't help it. You, on the other hand, are jealous of someone who may have achieved their ideal weight with HEALTHY methods. So instead of starving yourself, try the alternative. 

"Wow, you really have to lose weight!" Unless you're 400+ pounds, you don't. I don't care if you can eat an entire pizza and a carton of ice cream in one sitting. Whatever it may be, keep eating pizza and ice cream for all I care. It's not the healthiest option, but at least you're not witholding food from yourself. 

Please eat food, please eat food, please eat food. There's starving people in Africa. Yes, everyone uses that parallel, but there's people that are on the verge of dying because of malnutrition. But here you are, purposefully forcing yourself to fast. So basically a self-imposed fast-day. But everyday. With small bites here and there. Don't let that run your life. People need food to live.. that's the most obvious thing that i've ever written. Your heart is a muscle, so if you don't eat, it'll weaken and shrink. And your brain won't work properly without food, you won't concentrate as well, you'll have low blood pressure, circulation problems, possibly an irregular heartbeat, constipation, imbalance of electrolytes, weaker bones, blue hands/feet, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, tooth decay, gum disease, tooth enamel issues, and more. If you think you're "fat", I assure you there are much heavier people that are desperately trying to lose weight, so count your blessings.

Every first-world white girl on instagram has mentioned that they wish they were thinner at some point. Whenever someone posts a picture of themselves posing in a bikini, every comment is "goals." Wow, life must be so hard because you're not as thin as THAT girl. It's not like you have people that pay for you, work a job for you, and make life easy for you! So if you have a bigger butt than most, that's fine. Most people wouldn't appreciate having a bony butt anyway, it probably hurts to sit. And if you have love handles (and not everyone has extreme love handles, but most people have some fat there), that's also fine. They call them love handles for a reason.

I can't believe I just said that.

It's good to have some fat and muscle. You don't want to look like a rag doll. Research a healthy diet plan and stick with it. If "pretty" is what you're going for, not sure if it's the best motive, but as long as you're eating appropriate rations. And if you stopped eating because someone called you "fat", that's a stupid reason to say the least. YOU chose to withold food from yourself. No one put a gun to your head and told you to. So let's take responsibility for our own actions. Unless someone poses an immediate threat to you, your decisions are made by none other than yourself. Isn't that nice. Sorry if this makes me seem like a horrible person, but people should stop bs-ing everyone, including themselves. If you need help with anorexia, you're in luck.

Thanks for listening~~

xoxo, Mel 

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