Everything everything

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A SAD story, that maked me cry. It's also a beautifull love story, and... just read it!

Mady can't even go outside, because of her disease. She accepted her fate, until the day she meeds her neighbor Oly, and the messeges and calls isn't enough any more. But to go out, to see peoble, is risking her life...

Its so good and it really maked me cry. Its just... amasing. Yes. Amasing is the only Word that match.


Books in the Series: 1

Recommended age: hmm... i think this is a little older kids story to, so maybe 12? 13? Anyway i think this is a story that adults would apreciate to!

Size: 310 Pages.

Author: Nicole Yoon.

If/when youre done Reading it; did you cry? I didn't my eyes just hurted... *nervous laughter*

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