Chapter 12

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One month later.

"I am so getting deported."

Saanvi stands with her back against the wall of the bathroom at work, both hands over her face.

Since her periods were often irregular, Saanvi didn't pay much attention to it a lot of the times if she didn't get her period. However, given that she and Chris were as they were, Saanvi liked to take a test whenever she didn't get her period; better safe than sorry.

However, taking two tests and having one of them come out negative, and the other come out positive, was very unsettling.

Which one was wrong???

Saanvi takes a breath, then wraps up both tests in toilet paper to hide them before throwing them away, trying to not appear frazzled as she exits the restroom.

Saanvi walks into the break room and spots Tara, "Hey."


"Random question: do you know any good OB/GYN's? Preferably one you haven't slept with?"

Tara gives a small laugh, "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I'm still kind of new to the area and just haven't found a doctor that I like yet. Not to mention I had that really bad flare up last month, and I'm probably more sexually active now than I've ever been in my entire life, so..."

Tara nods, "Good thinkin'. I'll text you some names after work."

"Thanks," Saanvi says, unable to believe that Tara wasn't able to see completely through her. She walks out of the break room before Tara can ask any further questions.


Four days later.

"Thank you for getting me in so quickly," Saanvi says.

"Of course, I had a cancellation and was able to fit you right in. Any friend of Tara's is a friend of mine," Julia says. Julia was the first OB/GYN that Tara had recommended Saanvi go to, and she was able to get Saanvi in within days.

"So, I understand you have some concerns about your endometriosis?" Julia asks.

"Well, yes, but that's not my main concern," Saanvi says, "I'm worried I might be pregnant."

"Might be?"

"My period was late, and it's super irregular so that's not always alarming, but I took a couple tests just in case. One test was negative, but the other one was positive. I was too scared to take any others - I figured it would just be best to go to a doctor."

Julia nods, "Well, as I'm sure you know, blood tests are more accurate for testing for pregnancy than urine is. Would you like to do a blood test?"

"That would be great."

"And we'll run some other tests too for your other concerns."

"Perfect. Thank you so much."


A week later.

Saanvi paces around her apartment, biting her nails as she waits for Chris to arrive. He'd been on tour, so they hadn't had much time to talk since he'd left. Saanvi had decided to wait until Chris got back to relay to him the results of the tests that had been performed at last week's doctor's appointment, and the plan that had formed in her head as a result.

Saanvi had told Chris to come over whenever he wanted, and told him to take all the time he needed to get home and settled in, but each minute that passed seemed like ages. She just wanted to tell him everything that she needed to tell him so that the two of them could figure out what the next steps were.

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