Epilogue (Trigger Warning)

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Trigger Warning: SPOILER - trigger warning for post-partum depression.

Two years later.

1:13 a.m.

Chris walks into the house, dragging a suitcase behind him. He shuts the door behind him and exhales, exhausted yet wide awake at the same time seeing as he'd just returned from a European tour. He quietly removes his shoes and his jacket, then tries to make his way upstairs to the bedroom as softly as possible.

The bedroom door was already slightly ajar, so Chris just gently pushes it open. He sets his suitcase at the foot of the bed, deciding to save unpacking for tomorrow morning. Saanvi was sound asleep, much more tired these days, so Chris wanted to do everything he could to ensure that she could get as much rest as she needed - especially now that he would be home for about a month.

Chris approaches Saanvi and sits on the side of the bed where she lay. He leans down and gently kisses her temple, knowing that she'd sleep right through it. A couple seconds later though, the sound of fussing begins to come from the bassinet that stood next to the bed. Saanvi blinks herself awake at hearing this and goes to sit up, when she sees Chris sitting next to her.

"It's okay babe, I've got it." Chris stands and goes over to the bassinet.

"Are you sure?" Saanvi asks, groggily.

"Yes, I'm wide awake. Get some sleep, really." He scoops up their five-month-old daughter and smiles, "Hey, you."

Saanvi sighs, as Chris was clearly content with taking the baby for now, so she lays back down and shuts her eyes again.


To say that Chris and Saanvi's daughter, Kyra, was a bit of a surprise, would be an understatement.

Especially since Saanvi was not supposed to be able to have children.

They were about a year into their marriage when they found out, and the timing on that particular day could not have been worse.

Saanvi brushed her teeth for the third time that morning after having thrown up again. She felt like death. Her entire body felt like it was going into shutdown-mode, and she wasn't quite sure what was going on.

"Do you think it's just an extreme form of anxiety?" Chris had asked.

Chris and Saanvi had received word a few days ago that someone had tipped off immigration, suggesting that Chris and Saanvi's marriage may have been fraudulent so that Saanvi could receive a green card. Chris and Saanvi were already fairly certain as to who this "someone" was, but nonetheless, an agent would be coming over to their house that afternoon to interview them.

Saanvi finishes brushing her teeth, then responds, "Anxiety has never done this to my body before."

"Are you having a flare up with your endometriosis? When are you supposed to get your period?"

"I didn't get it, it would have been last week," Saanvi says nonchalantly, as missing her periods was not always something out of the ordinary.

"Well, come lay down. We've still got a couple hours until that fucking ICE agent is supposed to show up."

Chris puts an arm around Saanvi and guides her to the bed. He lays down next to her and runs his fingers through her hair.

"God, perfect timing for me to get sick, right?" Saanvi asks.

"What do you think is going on?"

"I don't know," Saanvi admits.

They pause a moment, both trying to think of what may be going on.

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