Chapter 2

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The next day.

Saanvi didn't have as much time to unpack as she would have liked, seeing as she'd started her new job at a nearby clinic and had to prioritize that. However, she'd finally gotten a day off and decided to spend the day getting the rest of her apartment unpacked and putting some finishing touches on the decorations. As she unpacked, she had Motionless in White playing on her phone through a Bluetooth speaker. She'd become so intrigued by her neighbor's music, she just had to listen to it.

Saanvi pauses in her unpacking to take a sip of water as a song that she hadn't heard before starts playing through the speakers, heavy but also electronic and industrial.

Well, Mrs. Pharmacist
I insist
Fix me up with something quick
I've been a bad little boy
And I think I'm getting sick

Saanvi chokes on her water, almost spitting it out. She coughs a couple times, manages to swallow her water, then pauses the song and coughs a few more times before regaining her composure.

"Did...Did I hear that right?" She asks herself, going to start the song over. Before she can though, there's a knock on her door. Saanvi sets her phone down and walks over the door to answer it.

Speak of the devil.

"Hey, Vee," Chris greets with a smile.

"Hey! Come on in, I was just listening to some of your music."

Chris's smile grows as he steps inside, "Were you really?"

"Well, yeah!" Saanvi says in a 'duh' tone as she shuts the door, "I wasn't going to find out my new neighbor is a musician and not listen to his band."

"Well, thank you. What were you listening to?"

Saanvi pauses, "Um..." She starts, unsure if she should be honest or not, "'Rats'."

Chris shoves his hands in his pockets, the slightest hint of pink forming on his cheeks, "Oh," He chuckles, "So then you already know way too much about me."

"Actually, I only got a couple lines into the song before you knocked - but now that you say that, I'm definitely intrigued to hear more."

Chris pauses, unsure of what to say. Was she...flirting with him? Didn't she have a boyfriend?

"So, Mr. Motionless," Saanvi continues, "What brings you to my humble abode?"

Chris smiles, slightly relieved at the subject change, "Well, I know you're still a little new to the area and don't have a lot of friends yet, but me and some friends are getting together tonight - do you watch hockey at all?"

Saanvi smiles, "I grew up on cricket. I'm not very familiar with American sports - but I'm definitely interested."

Chris chuckles, "Okay, cool. Everyone's coming over to my place around 6, you should stop by."

"I'd love that, thank you," Saanvi says, "And while you're here, I wanted to apologize for Ravi yesterday."

Chris gives a small laugh, "Yeah, he didn't seem to be a huge fan of me."

"He was just in a bad mood - he lost a patient yesterday."

"He's a doctor too?"

"Yes, a pediatric surgeon."

Chris's eyes widen, "Oh, God. Well, I suppose that would put anyone in a bad mood. Is he doing okay?"

Saanvi nods, "It's a hazard of the trade, unfortunately. He'll be fine; he knew what he was signing up for. I'll be sure to re-introduce the two of you once he's feeling better."

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