Chapter 36

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"So, girls listen up and go up into a line." Uncle Enzo boomed.

"Today we will be starting with some basic defence and ways to disarm your partner," Papa spoke calmly. My eyes scanned the other girls around me. The twins looked unbothered as they were more interested in their hot pink acrylic nails then listening. Laura and my aunties just looked at Enzo and papa in horror. Mamma was the only one who looked like she was holding it together.

"Ok so firstly as a start the simplest and most crucial thing you need to learn is how to throw a punch." I watched in amusement as I was shown how to throw a punch by the examples of what brothers did.

After a few of their examples were given, my mind completely spaced out. I couldn't control on anything, at one point I had to bite my tongue. The way Papa explained the basic fighting techniques was logically correct. But the blacklist assassins and basically every assassin out there don't follow the books. We train completely opposite to how mafias train. Because if we did train like them then we wouldn't win. We have to win because if you don't then you won't get your kill and Blacklist assassins won't stop at anything till they get them.

"Ok girls go off and find one of the boys to partner up with." I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue.

My mind since last night has still been in its own world of bliss. Every moment i spend with Blaze I learn more about him and fall for him even harder. Yesterday i was able to see a brand new side of him. A side of him where he didn't look so stressed or angry he looked happy. It made me estatic that i was able to give him that with such a simple yet fun activity. But I guess last night gave as both an opportunity. 

An opportunity to be normal and for once not have the world on our shoulders.. 

"Angelina," I looked to my left and saw Ben. "I can help you if you like?" I hadn't noticed that I was the only one left in our line.

"ok..." We walked to a separate area away from everyone else. I didn't know how to feel, seeing all the males help all the girls. I rolled my eyes when I saw my brothers talking to each other, but they all stopped when their eyes connected with mine. But I quickly regained my attention after Ben coughed.

"Alright so let's start..."

I thought Mr Dickson's English class went on forever but nope... This boring ass 'training' session went on much longer. When I was younger, I always begged papa and my brothers to train me and they never did. Not until now when it's come to a time of now or never. All this training was so last minute, and I could tell that it was rushed. Mamma and I were the only ones really handling the training. Probably because mamma had already learnt the somewhat basics with my uncles. A small smirk spread across my face as I saw how annoyed and irritated the males looked with the other girls. The twins were two heads short of a brain and my aunties looked more worried about hurting themselves.

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