Chapter 6

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Breaking and making deals

I walked through the school halls keeping my head down as usual putting my head down trying to stay invisible

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I walked through the school halls keeping my head down as usual putting my head down trying to stay invisible. It is usual for me to be invisible it is how I like it. My cousins on the other hand are a different story. Sophie and Rebecca are the popular girls in the school and basically make everyone worship them just because they are Moretti's. I roll my eyes as I see them looking at me and giggling to each other. Sometimes I wish I could give them a piece of my mind and rip their fake eyelashes off. But for the respect of uncle Luke, I will try to refrain myself as much as possible.

"Hey, babe." I turned to Olivia giving her a tight smile as I shoved my backpack in my locker but I didn't let go of my duffel bag. "hi." I don't know if I can classify Olivia as my friend but every time I come to school she is always excited to greet me. "so, what were you up to last night? Do you have any plans for the weekend?" she fired her questions quickly and I gave her a questionable look. "nothing and I have plans with a friend this weekend." Her lips turned into a frown but she then quickly turned them into her usual bright smile.

I have never had any trouble with lying and tricking people. After all it is practically in my job description to trick and deceive people. People take my lies always with so much ease and no faults. It makes my life easy but then there is always that sinking feeling in my stomach each time I do it. I have done it so often that now I don't even know what I am lying about.

"Oh, that is great! I have nothing to do but that is just me and my boring life." She laughed shrugging it off. The air around us grew awkward, a part of me wanted to invite her over. But I already have enough problems to deal with. I smiled through the awkwardness hoping to god that she ends this uncomfortable conversation soon. "well I should get going, but it was nice seeing you, Olivia." She waved and smiled sheepishly as she walked away. I frowned as I caught the sad look what washed over her face. I let out a heavy sigh and then I grabbed my bag what was filled with everything.

I walked quickly keeping my head down and dodging all of the students. "HEY!" I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I whipped around seeing dumb and dumber themselves. "Yes?" they scowled and folded their arms around their small chests. "where are you going?" Sophie asked glancing to my black duffel bag. "to class." I shrugged it off and sent them a glare.

"Then why do you have a bag," Rebecca asked going to my bag. I slapped her hand away harshly and shifted my bag onto my other shoulder. "As I said I am going to class and the reason I have a bag is none of your business." They both pouted and tried once again to snatch my bag from me. I had enough and slapped their hands away using some of my built strength.

"OWIE," Sophie whined as she clutched her hand with tears brimming in her eyes. "I am telling," Rebecca replied in a bratty voice crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes then sent her a pathetic look. "I don't care what you two choose to do in your pathetic time, now excuse me I am going to class." I walked away from them and I could already hear them sobbing dramatically making a scene in front of everyone. I walked out to the back of the school making sure the coast was clear but before I went any further something caught my eye.

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