Chapter 3

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setting the timmer

setting the timmer

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Six months

26 weeks

182.5 days

The ringing in my ear then magically stopped and instead was replaced with numbness. I had no idea how to kill this man it was a mission set out for me to fail. It was as if he purposely put me on this mission already knowing my outcome because he hasn't faltered his sinister smile.

"Six months my little angel and if you reach you your deadline I will hunt you down. Don't even think about running away because I will always have eyes watching you and if you do choose to run away. Your family pays the price."



And more pain was consumed by me, there was no way out of this. If only there was a time machine or a magical wand. Then all of this wouldn't be happening but sadly that is only a fantasy and this is sadly a cold-hearted reality check.

I looked beside me and saw Jace but he looked just as numb as me. He may have not met my family but he is my best friend. He is my family and I am his....

"that will be all ... Tony will be meeting you both now and again just to make sure that you are staying on track and behaving. We wouldn't want you guys to break any rules now would we?" I balled my fists and quickly sat up out of the seat feeling anxious to get out of the toxic room.

"Remember my angel, six months."

I walked out of the room anxiety digging out of my chest making my lungs feel like it is swallowing me up. I had to get out of here I had to get air and Jace knew this by just looking at me. as soon as we got out of the building and somewhere quiet where no one can see us the tears what was threatening to spill spilt. Jace hugged me closely letting me cry into his chest.

"Jace what are we going to do." I sobbed feeling the air staring to leave my lungs. I ripped the black mask off and cried  in my hands. "it's going to be ok Ange we will figure this out like we always do." Nothing at this moment could possibly calm me down. I basically just put my entire family into their death sentence letting their blood fall onto my hands. "we have to hide them, Jace! Maybe we could just hide them all until all of this is over." Jace smiled softly as I started ranting trying to find a way to get my family out of this.

"Ange if we do that he will torture us for days until he eventually kills us. And how are we going to hide two of the most powerful mafia families." There was no win in this situation, Jace told it how it is killing any hope, I had left inside my heart. Jace wiped the tears with his thumb and kissed my forehead. "this is what he wants because in every outcome he wins. If you do kill Blaze that is just one last competition Boss has to worry about. If you lose he gets to take down two of the most powerful mafias by using you. He knows that you are their weakness so in every aspect he is using that against you for a tactic."

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