Chapter 23

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His beautiful blue icy eyes

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His beautiful blue icy eyes

"Angelina." I curled into a ball hiding from the world under the comfort of my pillow. "Angelina get the hell up, it's me your best friend." I groaned into my pillow once more before falling onto my ass. "Jace? que diablos lll e hiciste a tu cabello?" (what the hell did you do to your hair?) He rolled his eyes and helped me up. "If you must know I decided on something different."

"So, you decided to dye your hair green." He pouted and looked at me with a frown. "You don't like it." I ruffled his hair and smiled. "It's fine, just means I can call you booger." He slapped my hand away harshly before scowling away. I got up stretching and went to the door making sure it was locked. 

Jace must have climbed through my window. 

"You know one day you are going to be caught coming into my room. And I am not sure if I will be able to save you." He ignored me and jumped onto my bed. "I don't have time to worry about that! I want to know what happened with you and Mr sexy." I smacked my lips together clicking my tongue. "Nothing happened, I didn't kill him if you didn't figure that out for yourself." He scoffed loudly and threw a pillow at me. "I don't want to know about that! I want to know about your crazy chemistry." Now it was my turn to scoff in his face. "There was no chemistry, none at all." I shut my bathroom leaving him and his crazy ideas behind.


 Under no circumstances between me and him there was no way possible that he and I had chemistry. The only thing I wanted to do was kill him and to pluck his stupid ugly blue icy eyes. 

"Keep telling yourself that Ange!" He yelled loudly. Thank god for our soundproof walls otherwise I and he would be dead meat. "Whatever Booger I will let you let yourself out," I yelled half smirking to myself before quietly muttering. "God knows you always do."

I was happy to get into the shower. I desperately needed to let my emotions out. They were like a caged unsettled bird demanding to be set free. From my whole life, this sort of thing was not exactly my expertise. I couldn't stop wondering about last night. What did it mean? Why did it feel so right but so wrong at the same time? I was supposed to hate him but now all my feelings are baffled.

My chest tightened just at thought of everything. Why does everything get harder and harder every day? He was my apposed enemy I needed to hate him. I should hate him. I keep telling myself on repeat. Letting it play like a broken record, but all my efforts are pointless. All I think about is him and it always somehow brings a forbidden warmth to my heart.

I quickly got dressed into some nice casual outwear drying my hair quickly before walking downstairs meeting the others. "Oh, look our dear sister is awake." I rolled my eyes ignoring Juan's smirk. "I'm glad you have working eyes brother." I retorted before sitting down. "You boys for once stop picking on my baby girl." Mamma scolded them while placing a plate of her bumblebee pancakes on my table.

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