Chapter 22

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Her eyes

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Her eyes... The eyes haunt me day and night, minute by the hour. My enemy, everything inside of me hates her. She is all I think about, all I dream about, all I crave for.

"what are you doing here?" she asked me coldly through her golden laced mask. I couldn't help but smirk down at her. "I had to come and thank a particular person for the gift they left in my apartment." Her scowl turned into a sinister smirk making me scoff. "What can I say I have a natural talent for art." I looked at her with utter disbelief. Although I admire her bravery no person would ever do something of such to me.. "art? You destroyed my apartment I had to get everything replaced!" I exaggerated dryly glaring daggers at her. "Correction! I only made it better! The place was only begging me to give it a much-needed upgrade." Waving her finger at me giggling only making me clench my jaw.

"I hope you are ready to die tonight Sparrow," I whispered through his gritted teeth. Her crimson-hot dark blood is all I can wish for right now.

I can't wait to taste it.

"nearly as ready as I am to kill you," She mocked pressing her chest against me... I looked down at her my eyes darkening as they lingered over her beauty. Her dress was bright red the colour of blood fitting her perfectly like a glass. It showed off her natural curves what I know many woman dream for. She by far was the most gorgeous woman in this room. All the other woman covered themselves with masks of insecurities.

I narrowed my eyes at the stupid young boys who were staring at her and the next thing I knew what I was doing. I was wrapping my arm around her small waist.

"Woah buddy what are you doing," she yelled over the music trying to get away from me by pushing me away. I smirked evilly as her effort were pointless and only tightened my grip much to her dismay. "Never danced before princess? I must say that surprises me after living a life such as this with golden platters being served to you." She clenched her jaw clicking her tongue and then put her hands on my chest. "just you wait Blaze... I can't wait to slice your neck." She whispered lowly squeezing my hand. I couldn't help but smile at her. Her efforts were pointless and I couldn't help myself but think they were cute.

They call me a psychopath for a reason.

"Oh, I can't say that I can wait for you princess. But for now, I think I will just enjoy you in this red dress. Did you choose it for me?" my voice was tinted with amusement. She averted her eyes and I took the moment to start moving the soft music.

"You think I got dressed up for you?" she spat with disbelief laughing... "Honey! If I was dressing up for you, you would be expecting me in a rubbish bag. I have no care in the world for you"

I rolled my eyes while tightening my arm around her.

It was hard to remember the little girl when she was the woman she was before me. Everyone was oblivious about it but she no longer was naïve or weak. She was a fierce woman made for this world. She was made to be a leader. I did not doubt in my mind that if she could she would probably lead the mafia better than any of these ridiculous males can.

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