Chapter Twenty-Four

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Effortlessly, Tannix was back in control.

The fact that he was a soldier had never been more apparent. The knights and Joen gathered around us as Tannix started to talk. He didn't even falter when Jalor started touching his injured shoulder.

"I know I don't look great, but don't treat me as an invalid. You are all very aware that I can fight with my left hand, and I will not have any of you taking unnecessary risks to protect me. At least not any more than you would otherwise. Acen and I will take the front with Finn. Joen," he hesitated to eye the large blacksmith, seemingly not confused in the slightest to see him. "Take Ender. Kor and Evrik, stick with them. Mandell and Jalor will bring up the back." He paused while they all nodded. "We're all getting out of this, gentlemen. We've come this far."

"Finn brought us this far," Acen said.

Tannix nodded. "Then hopefully he can lead us farther. Finn, any idea how to get out of this prison?"

I pictured the layout of the building. Every hallway I had walked down, the walls, and I made a guess. "I think I can figure it out."

Tannix gestured with his sword. "Lead the way."

I started down the hallway. It was an immense relief to have Tannix with us again. Not only because I could keep an eye on him, but also because if anything went wrong he could tell me what to do. For the first time I really started to believe that we would escape.

We had an easy time wandering through the jail at first. Good timing, Zianesa lending a hand—I couldn't say why we seemed so lucky, but I was grateful. Our biggest problem was other prisoners. Tannix and the knights seemed very good at ignoring the cries for help, but I winced every time I heard a voice. They rarely spoke in Teltish, but I didn't need to know Deoran to understand what they were asking for. It was very hard to ignore them. Some people might have deserved to be there, but I knew most of them were probably poor people who had broken a few laws while trying to survive.

I took corners carefully, peeking around each one before stepping out. The eight men behind me weren't exactly stealthy, but I felt safe with them. It was hard to imagine anyone stopping us.

Then I looked around a corner and drew back suddenly. The knights immediately froze, alarmed by my reaction. Tannix frowned.


"Did you really think you could sneak out that easily, Lord West Draulin?" Kalvahi sounded confident and not the least bit surprised.

Tannix's gaze raked over the men. "Evrik," he whispered. "Take Mandell, Joen and the twins back, try to find a way around Kalvahi. Acen, Jalor and I will hold them here for as long as we can."

"I'll hold them with Acen and Jalor. You go," Evrik said.

"It isn't up for debate, I—"

"Lord West Draulin," Kalvahi called again. "Don't hide."

"Go," Tannix hissed.

Evrik nodded reluctantly, and started back down the hall. The others followed quietly. Tannix, Acen and Jalor exchanged a look. I sensed there was something they were all thinking that I had missed.

Tannix looked at me. "You should go with the others."

"No," I shook my head firmly. "I'm not leaving you."


"Lord West—"

"I'm here, Kalvahi," Tannix shouted back, cutting him off. He gripped his sword hilt harder and stepped around the corner. Acen and Jalor glanced at each other before falling in beside him. I pulled out one of my tiny knives and joined them.

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