Bonus - First Impressions

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Four years before An Aimless War

Acen was nervous. It wasn't every day he was called before Lord West Draulin. In fact, the man had mostly ignored Acen and his group since Tannix had gone to Zianna, trusting them to continue training. Being called could only mean a few things. He had done something well, he had done something badly, or something had happened to Tannix.

Acen offered a quick prayer to the Goddess, asking her for good news. If something had happened to Tannix—Acen didn't want to think about it. He wouldn't be to blame, but he would still feel guilty about not being there when his lord needed him.

Instead of going to the large meeting room, Acen went to Lord Tandrael's smaller office. The door was flanked by two of Lord Tandrael's personal guard, older men well respected in the castle. Acen paused before knocking on the large wooden door, and glanced over himself quickly. He had made sure to put on his uniform, the light armour and short blue cloak that represented his position as Tannix's guard captain.

One of Lord Tandrael's guards chuckled. "Calm down, Atricen. You aren't being tested."

Acen smiled sheepishly. "I don't know what to expect, Sir Yorc. The message wasn't very detailed."

Sir Yorc grabbed his shoulder. "A good captain knows how to hide his nervousness or fear. This is a good time to practice."

Acen nodded. Sir Yorc had been Lord Tandrael's guard captain for nearly forty years. If there was anyone to take advice from, it was him. Acen took a deep breath to calm himself, and firmly knocked on the door.

"Come in," Lord Tandrael called.

Acen pushed open the door and stepped inside. As the door swung closed behind him, he bowed quickly. "My lord, you called for me?"

"Yes. Take a seat, Atricen. I have something important to discuss with you."

Acen sat down in the chair facing Lord Tandrael's large desk. The desk was very neat, cleared of everything but a quill, inkpot, and a few pieces of blank parchment. Lord Tandrael was reading a letter. "Is it about Lord Tandrix, my lord?" Acen asked.

Lord Tandrael glanced up and shook his head. "No. Tandrix is doing very well, you'll be pleased to hear. But I called you for an entirely different purpose, and... an unusually personal one. I admit, I almost chose not to discuss this with you. It isn't really my place, being neither your father nor your lord. But without Tandrix to speak with you, the duty falls on me."

Acen was even more confused. Lord Tandrael's words weren't helping. "What duty, my lord?"

Lord Tandrael sighed. "Well, Atricen, Lord Vasel has written to me. He would like to bring our families closer together with an arranged marriage. He wants to marry his youngest daughter, Lady Gallea, to you."

Acen just managed to hide his shock. "Me?"

"You," Lord Tandrael said with a nod. "He was asking for Tandrin at first, but I refused. My brother Tandar married Lord Vasel's sister-in-law, and I felt the connection was a little too recent. Then he heard about you." He glanced down at the letter. "Apparently Sir Jalor mentioned you. They're cousins, as I'm sure you're aware. You're a good match, a young lord with a direct connection to my family."

"I'm not inheriting any land," Acen pointed out. "I doubt I'll have time for a wife. I had sort of given up on the idea of getting married."

"You don't need to give up on it," Lord Tandrael said. "And you don't have to marry Lady Gallea. I'm not trying to force you into anything, Atricen, it isn't my place. I'm simply asking you to ride to Vasel and meet with her. You can decide to court her, if you'd like. You can decide to marry her. I'm leaving it all up to you."

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