Bonus - The Reasons to Enlist - Legacy

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Thirteen years before An Aimless War

Jalor spurred his horse into a canter and lowered his lance. As always, time seemed to slow down and his mind focused on the opponent rushing towards him. He ignored the cheering of the crowd and the fluttering banners that adorned the track. All that mattered was his horse's steady canter and aiming his lance perfectly.

The lance shattered as it hit his opponent's breastplate and the jolt of it broke Jalor's focus. The crowd cheered louder as he looked over his shoulder to see that his opponent had fallen off of his horse. At the end of the track, Jalor's horse slowed and he tugged on her reins gently to turn her around. He handed off the end of his lance and pushed up the visor on his helmet.

In the middle of the track, his opponent was on his feet. He pulled off his helmet as Jalor's horse walked closer.

The young man shook his head. "Don't say a thing."

"That's ten more points, Grenn." Jalor slid from his saddle and held out his hand. "Uncle warned you."

Grenn laughed as he took Jalor's hand. "All right, so he did."

Jalor smiled. "So, how many of your cavalry men just watched your little cousin beat you in a joust?"

"Far too many, I'm afraid." Grenn tucked his helmet under his arm and waved at the crowd, grinning. "I expect you'll be after my job, next."

Jalor followed his cousin's lead and waved to the crowd. Together they turned to bow towards the spectator's box. Lord Vasel, their uncle, was clapping along with the crowd. His wife and their two daughters looked just as pleased with the performance. Gallea, the younger daughter, got to her feet and stepped out from under the shade. To the delight of the crowd, she held up the white rose Jalor had presented to her before the competition. When she sat the cheering died down, and her father took her place at the front.

Lord Vasel raised his arms to silence the last few people. Once the stands were quiet, he started speaking in his booming voice. "Well done, Lord Jalor and Sir Grenn. Allowing my sister's son to show off his skills was the perfect way to end the day's festivities. Jalor, you're a man now. In front of the people of Vasel, I wish you luck as you travel to West Draulin. You'll remind them that Vasel is not simply a small farming city as they like to believe!" The crowd broke into cheers again. Compared to West Draulin, most cities were small. Vasel was even smaller, but the people were fiercely proud of their city. There was no hope in quieting them again.

Jalor and Grenn bowed again before leading their horses off of the track. Before they went to their separate tents, Grenn put his hand on Jalor's shoulder. "West Draulin? I didn't realize you had made your decision."

Jalor nodded. "Why try to take your job when I can get a better one?"

Grenn laughed amicably as he turned away. "Good luck, little cousin," he called over his shoulder.

Jalor went to his own tent. A squire rushed to help him take off the heavy armour that protected his chest and shoulders. Once that was taken care of, Jalor dismissed the man and immediately got to work untacking his horse. She stood patiently as he removed her heavy saddle, the chanfron that protected her head and the fancy peytral that shielded her chest. Finally, he took off her purple caparison—the heavy cloth that served both as protection and decoration.

He brushed her quickly, checked on her hooves, and then left her drinking out of a fresh bucket of water. He always made sure to take care of her himself. Jalor wanted to join the cavalry in West Draulin, and he firmly believed that personally caring for his horse strengthened their bond.

While she relaxed, he packed up their jousting gear. Everything neatly went into a chest that would be delivered back to his family's villa. Finally, he changed out of his sweaty tunic and pulled a clean green one over his head. He buckled his sword belt around his waist, because his family insisted he carry it around. Then he picked up the lighter riding saddle and draped it over his horse's back.

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