Chapter Four

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I woke up slowly. Bright sunlight shone through the window, giving the room a cozy glow. There were faint sounds coming from outside. People talking, the occasional clip-clopping of hooves against the cobblestones, the creaking of nearby ships. I spent a moment just listening to them. They were the sounds of people in their everyday lives, lives that would have remained unchanged if I had been hanged. It was hard to imagine.

Tannix was lying on his back, his left arm draped over his stomach, and his right arm pinned underneath me. The night before had felt like one of my dreams, but he really was beside me. I could hardly believe that he was there, and that I was there, too. Not just in the bed, but alive.

After a moment I sat up, crossed my legs, and sat facing him. The blankets shifted with me, sliding off of him. He was wearing a different tunic than he had during the day, instead of crisp and white it was black and soft. I let my gaze travel up to his face.

Tannix was handsome. With that observation came the realization that I had always thought he was handsome; I had just never quite been able to acknowledge it. I chalked up my attraction to the fact that he wore nice clothes and rings, without letting myself admit that there was more to it. His kiss the year before had worked like a key, unlocking the thoughts, giving them permission to exist.

I let myself look at him the way I had a year ago, in the rain. The way I had in my daydreams. His tousled golden-brown hair, his Telt features relaxed in sleep, his broad shoulders, his strong arms. I paused, my eyes catching sight of something around his right wrist. A thin scar, so faint it would be hard to notice if I hadn't already known it was there.

Tannix had stepped in between me and a whip, and there was the proof.

Tentatively, I picked up his right arm to lay it across my lap. I pushed back his sleeve to get a better look. I remembered seeing the scar for the first time that night in the palace. I remembered wishing I could kiss it, just before guards pulled me away from Tannix. Now I finally could.

I kissed the underside of his wrist, where the scar was the thickest. On his pale skin the scar was almost silver. I had never seen the whip scars on my back, but I knew they were dark against my light brown skin. Dark and probably shiny, like the brand on my left shoulder. I gave his scar another kiss.

Tannix shifted, and suddenly embarrassed, I dropped his arm. When I met his gaze, he was smiling.

"You noticed the scar?"

"I noticed it last year," I said. "You never told me you were hurt."

"Because I wasn't. At least..." he sighed as he sat up, and rubbed the scar with his left hand. "I wasn't about to complain about something this small after what you had been through. This was nothing."

"I don't like that you got hurt for me."

His smile came back. "I would have taken every one of those lashes for you if I could have."

"Tannix, I..." I wanted to tell him that I didn't want that. It was easy to say so long after the beating had happened, but in the moment, would I have let him get hurt instead of taking it myself? There weren't many people I would willingly get hurt for.

Suddenly another thought occurred to me. "I need to see Baisan and the others before we leave."

Tannix nodded. "Of course. But first I thought we should get some food."

"Oh. Yes," I nodded firmly. "Obviously."

I made my way through the crowded streets with practiced ease. The lower city was bustling with activity, like it always was. It was somehow comforting to see that nothing had changed. The old buildings looked just as run down as usual. The people around me looked just as shabby. Zianna had been my home for my entire life. West Draulin was going to be a big change.

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