Chapter Thirty-Five

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I woke up early the next morning, nervous for the day ahead. For a while I tried to fall back to sleep, but when it became clear that it wasn't going to happen I sat up. Tannix was sprawled out on his side of the bed, still deeply asleep. He always looked so peaceful when he was asleep. It was the only time he could forget about the war and West Draulin.

I wanted to touch him, but I didn't want to wake him up. So instead I carefully climbed out of bed. The room was still dim, but not dark. Our windows faced east, towards the rocky desert and the Adymuss mountains. Towards the sunrise. I leaned in the window to watch. The sun slowly peeked over the distant mountains, causing the clouds to glow orange while the sky around them brightened to blue. Sunrises were hard to see from the lower city, so I had never really paid them much attention.

The sun had fully emerged from behind the mountains when I heard Tannix moving. I thought he was just rolling over, so when arms slipped around my waist I jumped.

Tannix laughed and tightened his arms, pulling me snugly against his bare chest. "How does the sunrise compare to sunsets?"

"I prefer sunsets." I relaxed into his arms without turning around.

"Hmm." He planted a kiss on my shoulder. "Did I ever mention how much I like it when you wear this tunic?"

It was one of Tannix's, an older tunic that had been mixed in with the things Roland had delivered to Zianna for us. It was too big on me, but it was made of a wonderfully soft, expensive material, and it was very comfortable to sleep in. I knew that Tannix liked me wearing it because it was his.

I twisted around in his arms. "Did I ever mention how much I like it when you sleep without a tunic?"

"No. But the way you look at me says it all."

I didn't dignify that with an answer, just slipped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss me. He backed me into the window, and after a moment lifted me so I could sit on the sill. Being face to face was easier on both of us. He didn't have to lean over to kiss me, and I didn't have to stretch. I kept one arm around his neck, and slid my other hand into his soft hair.

Things I had accidentally seen in the brothel as a child came back to me in a rush. I had always known more than a child should, but I had never walked in on two men. My mother's brothel, at least at the time, hadn't employed any men.

There were gaps in my knowledge that I had never really needed to consider. And Tannix, with his proper upbringing, probably didn't know any more than I did.

The thought gave me pause, and I distractedly went still. Tannix continued kissing me for a heartbeat, then noticed that I wasn't responding and stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I just realized that I don't know how we're supposed to-"

There was a knock on the door, and before Tannix could call out, the hinges started to creak open. Tannix stepped away from me and turned around, suddenly professional. I recovered less quickly.

It was Mayah who barged in, Acen a step behind her. "I'm sorry," he said. "I told her you were probably still asleep but she insisted and I-"

Tannix laughed, and grabbed a tunic to pull over his head. "She's unarmed, Acen. You're telling me you can't defend me against someone who's unarmed? To what do I owe the pleasure, my lady?" he asked.

"I'm coming with you to Navire." Mayah didn't seem in the least bit concerned that she had walked in on him half dressed. I guess she was used to that from our time in Deorun. "As I'm sure you recall, I'm fluent in Navirian. I have an aunt who married a Navirian noble, so I've visited many times. Esmeranda thinks my story might help convince Queen Navire to join us. So, when are we leaving?"

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