The hangout

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It's 7:00 AM and I wake up to the sound of the Snapchat Notification. I look at it and see it is from Hunter so I open it. "Hey Y/N I forgot that I have A zoom meeting this morning so we have to hang out this afternoon. Sorry". I texted him back and said " It's ok Hunter don't be sorry. See you later!" "see you later Y/N!" He said back. I got out of bed and got ready. Went downstairs to see Cole, Ella, Meena, and Aunt Maya "hey guys! Where is mom and dad?" Mom and dad had to go to a meeting" Cole said. "It was a last min meeting," Aunt Maya said. "Oh ok". You went into the living room to see who was in the lead. It was Trump. "Really"?!? I said. You went back to see your family "Guys I'm going to hang out with Maisy, Natalie and Hunter this afternoon" That's fine Y/N don't forget to tell the driver," Ella said." Don't worry I will tell the driver that you are going Y/N". Meena said. "Oh ok thank you"

Now it is 1:00 PM you Mom and Dad are not back yet. You get a text from Hunter saying you can come over now. So you tell you, Aunt, that you are going over. You get your shoes, jacket, and phone and you go to the car. On your way to Natalie and Hunter's house, your mom texted you "Hey sweetie sorry I was not there this morning I had a last min meeting". "Hey Mom, don't be sorry I know that you are going to be very busy with meetings because you are going to be the next VP".

"I will be there later tonight, Have fun with the Bidens Love you." "See you love you too". After 5 min you are at Hunters' house you text him that you are here. I go up to the door and knock. Hallie Biden opens the door (Hallie Biden is Natalie and hunter's mother) Hi Y/N! Come on in Maisy, Natalie, and Hunter are in Hunter's room. I'll show you to the room." "Ok thank you Mrs.Biden" Hallie shows you to Hunter's room you see Hunter playing video games with Maisy and Natalie watching them play. "Oh hey Y/N!" Natalie said. (you and Natalie are very good friends.) "Hey guys!" you said back. After Maisy and Hunter were done with their game they asked you if you want to make cookies with them and you said sure! So you make cookies and play some music. Hunter put some flour on your nose. You put some on his nose too. you guys laughed. "Awww you guys are so cute," Maisy and Natalie said. You look over at Hunter, his cheeks are pink, he looked embarrassed. "Hey guys, do you want to go outside and wait for the cookies?" Maisy said. "Sure let's go," you said. You guys outside. Maisy and Natalie are playing basketball and you and Hunter are just sitting on the swing and talking. He asked about the ring you had on. Hey Y/N I like your ring. I always see you wearing it. Does it have a special meaning?" He asked "Yeah it does have a special meaning my mom and dad gave it to me when they first Adopted me it has my birth mom and dad's initials on it!" you said. Wow, that's very cool. 30 mins later the cookies are done and you guys eat some and give some to Hallie. Then you guys watch Y/F/M( your fav movie) After that you have to go. You say bye to Maisy, Natalie, and Hallie. "Hey Y/N take some cookies back to your family," Hunter said. "Ok," you said back. Hunter walked you to the car he waved as the car left. 5 min later you get a text from Hunter saying that he had fun today and hope we can hang out again this week. You texted back. You texted back and said I had fun too and said let's hang out tomorrow or the next day. Hunter texted back saying yeah. Let's talk about it tomorrow. Ok, you said back. Then you get home and see your mom and dad get out of the car in front of yours you yell hi to them. You guys went inside and had dinner and the whole family had a game night. Then you went to bed.

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