White Knight in Shining Armor

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Honestly, the first thing that came to mind wasn't the fact that he was a killing machine, but rather that he's smoking hot. I almost chuckled as a smile popped out. This was supposed to be a serious moment. And he noticed that too as he scanned my face up and down.

He raised an eyebrow, "What are you laughing at?" A smirk also tugged at his lips. Very kissable lips. Maybe I was staring a bit too long as he tried to get my attention again, "hmmm princess?"

"Just thinking about kissing you is all," I teased even though it was the truth.. eh hem.

"Is that so?" He laughed, "but back to a more serious matter.."

Oh yeah, the gnosis...

"Low key forgot about that not gonna lie, it's just you're incredibly hot." I teased a little more.


Childe and I have recently just met, as I came across a three ruin hunters while treasure hunting. I have to pay the bills somehow. And man it's that's ruin hunters are hard to fight, especially since I use a pole arm.

Picking up archery when I was in grade school would've been very useful right then.

But to my surprise, I had a knight in shining armor come to my rescue, even though I had it under control. But whatever.

This cool and mysterious, not to mention hot, man took them out in literally point two seconds. Like geez, punish me master.

"Oooooh wow, what a big strong man coming to the save the damsel in distress," I mock in a high pitched voice. "But for real dude, I had that under control, lawl."

He stood there, staring, "Did you just say lol out loud? Never mind... but you're very welcome, princess." He bows while chuckling.

"Ha ha. Ha. I would prefer to think of myself as a white knight rather than a princess," I fold my arms.

"But darling, you clearly look the part." He told his arms also, mimicking my actions.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm saying is that just you're very beautiful, that's why I stepped in, so you didn't get your pretty little face all smudged with dirt," he says taking a step forward.

Hm. I like this man. "I know," I say spinning on my heels. Ever since I came to Liyue, everyone's been so nice and helpful. This boy is like a breath of fresh air. I take a deep breath through my nose, "I'm in the mood for some Jewelry Soup from Wanmin restauran. Whaddya say, boss man?"

"Yes m'lady. Your wish is my command," he chuckles.


I mean if he's gonna call me a princess, he better treat me as a princess. I do kinda feel bad, maybe I'll return the favor some day. But he did offer to pay... this time.

I take my seat and the redhead takes the one across from me. There's something about him that I just can't put my finger on. Like this is just a facade, the more I stare into his eyes, the more of that weird feeling pools up in the pit of my stomach.

Is this fear...? Woweee I haven't felt this is a long time. He's making me more interested by the second, and his looks are just a plus. "So, how tall are you boss man?"

"How tall do you think, princess?" He lays is head on his intertwined hands, leaning forward across the table.

I mimic his actions, leaning further into the table as he did. I pretend to think, "hm.. well since I'm 5'4" and you tower over me. I'd say 7'... and a half. Am I right?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

He shook his head and chuckled.

"Damn it. What is it?" I lean back into my chair.

"You're very outspoken aren't you?" He smiles. "I'm 5'11""

"Yeah? So what, you gotta a problem? You wanna fight?" I joke.

"I would love to, I've been watching you for a while. You're very strong," he narrowed his eyes. For a split second I thought I saw something... dark and evil. It pushed my theory about this man even further.

"Wow, stalker much?" I say trying to not let him know that I'm becoming a little suspicious of him.

"Haha, you misunderstand, princess. You just cross my path a little too often. You've gained my attention, and not a lot of people have," the redhead says, relaxing back in his chair. "Oh pardon me, but I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Childe from Snezhnaya. And you my princess?"

This dude gives off major kinky vibes, if I'm being honest.

I feel like my life is gonna become a whole lot spicier if I let this man into my life. My mind raced. I know if I tell him my name, it'll leave a space for him to come crawling in. And I don't know if that's gonna be a good or a bad thing... but we're gonna find out.

"I'm (y/n)."

strawberry kisses [Childe/Tartaglia x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now