Jewlery Soup

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A simple vegetable soup. The mild-tasting soup is filled with the fragrance of fresh vegetables. This down-to-earth and heart-warming soup can rival any luxurious dish.

I've never been too fond of very bold tastes. I like things very mild. One would call my sense of taste very... bland. Sweets are just a no-go, and spicy food is an okay from time to time. It makes my eyes sweat, which can be weird to my partner joining me for that particular dish. That's why spicy food is best left for alone time.

Speaking of partners, Childe sure is generous. His pockets are deeeeeeep. He decided to be more than kind as he ordered one of everything off the menu for me to try, in order to make up for his "previous actions." Basically when he stole my kills. What a hot jerk.

"So (y/n), what do you do for fun?" Childe asks. I've noticed how he's barely taken any bites. It makes me feel like a pig, honestly. He ordered all this food and only took a sip of whatever's in his cup. Speaking of drinks... I really could go for some wine from the Dawn Winery. Yummy. That shit gets me messed up big time.

I can't hold my liquor to save my life.

I raise an eyebrow, "I eat for fun. I used to be a competitive eater."

"Is that so? I would never have guessed," he snickers.

"What you got that watching and feeding kink or sum?" I say with a mouthful.

He opens his eyes in shock, but soon regains his composure, "I guess you'll have to find out later." He gives me a side ways glacé with a smirk as he calls over the waitress for the check. I almost choked. I'm kind of a hypocrite. I can't take what I dish out basically. Is that even considered a hypocrite? Whatever, but no ones usually taunted me back in a good long while. People just give me dirty looks and continue on with their lives. Childe snickers, "I'm just joking, princess."

Right you were, right you were.

I straighten up my back and fix my sleeves, "so how much do I owe you?"

He takes a glance up from the check, "Don't worry it's on me." He flashes a smile.

I narrowed my eyes. "You ordered a lot of stuff, you know. Where'd you get all this money from anyways?"

"It's a secret," he winks and brings his pointer finger to his mouth like he's telling me to shh in the middle of class.

"Are you like a prince from Snezhnaya or something?" I push a little further. I want to get to know him better. It really just drives me crazy when people play hard to get and try to stay all mysterious. And he knows it too.

"Who knows?" He shrugs his shoulders while giving me a little smirk. I glare at him while I cross my arms in a little pout. Maybe if I act cute, he'll be more lenient. He starts to open his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but no words come out and switches the subject. "How was your meal?"

"It was delicious, props to the chef," I say rubbing my stomach.

"You have a very peculiar way of speaking, you know."

"I know, I know," I say laughing. "But why didn't you eat anything?"

He chuckles, "it's rather quite embarrassing, but chopsticks are not my forte."

I laugh pretty loud at that, as I can see a little brush form on his cheeks, "you're cute."

His blush seems to grow a little wider and he tried to change the subject, "so where is the lovely (y/n) from?"

"I'm from (wherever you want to be from)." I say quite proudly.



Childe pays for basically my meal. Soon after leaving the restaurant, a man with a mask comes up to us and says, "master Childe, there's something urgent."

"One second, (y/n)." Childe says to me and him and the weirdo take a few steps away from me, so I can't hear what they were saying. I could barely make out anything other than the word "fatui," which is interesting. It makes me think, is Childe part of the fatui? I really don't know much about them, other than not a lot of people like them.

"I'm gonna have to take a rain check, princess. I'll see you another day," he waves and runs off with his little buddy.

What a weirdo.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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strawberry kisses [Childe/Tartaglia x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now