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Shiloh and I were driving to library. Every ten seconds she'd complain about being sore. I'd just laugh and say that's what happens. Shiloh turned on her music and I listened to her sing with it.

"Soprano." I said. She stopped singing and looked at me.


"You're a soprano. Sing higher." She gave me a look then did as told. After a few songs she turned her music down and looked at me.

"Thanks LiLi. Singing didn't hurt."

"Yeah no problem. Mum made me learn how to recognize things like that for fun." She nodded.


"Mhm." I smiled and drive slowly into the parking lot and found a spot. She got out and immediately got back in.

"Nope I'm not going in ya can't make me."

"What's wrong Loh?" She pointed and I saw Jessica and the worst of her gang standing in front of the library. Shiloh was shaking and eyeing her warily. A question I meant to ask her earlier popped back into my head.

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long has Jessica been bullying you?" She froze and played with her lip rings.

"Uhm 7 years."

"So way before the crash then?" She nodded.

"And before you started coming to our school."

"That's not okay."

"What?" I got out of the car.

"Stay. And no matter what you stay." She looked at me with wide eyes and nodded. I closed the door and locked the car before walking over to Jessica.

"What the fuck?" I asked her.

"Excuse me?"

"What did Shiloh ever do to you?"

"Hm well she stole my boyfriend."

"You? A boyfriend? I doubt she stole him. I can bet all my money that he left you before she even knew him." The look on Jessica's face told me that I was right.

"Oh so I'm right. Good. Now leave Shiloh the fuck alone or you won't be the queen of the school any longer. We all know I'm liked by more people than you. Plus people would most likely believe an honest boy like me than a bitch like you." Her jaw hung loosely. I motioned for Shiloh to come out of the car. She came over and grabbed my hand.

"Careful or you'll catch a fly." I said before pulling Shiloh through the herd of bitches and into the library.


"Shiloh?" I heard my name called by a familiar female voice. I turned and saw a pretty girl I hadn't seen in ages.

"Anuhea?" The girl's eyes lit up and she tackled me in a hug.

"Oh Goddess its been so long since I've seen you." My old friend's Scottish accent was so much thicker than when we were kids. I hugged her back tightly and smiled.
"LoLo I've come back from Scotland to visit my boyfriend. And I'm just so happy to see you."

"How long are you staying for?"

"A long while." Her studs glinted in the lamplight of the library.

"Then we definitely need to hang out."

"Yassss! We can start now." Liam stood awkwardly behind me. "LoLo is that your boyfriend?" I looked at Anuhea. Is he? I thought. I looked at him with the question in my eyes. If you want me to be. Was the reply I got from his.

"Yeah he's my boyfriend." I told her. A smile blossomed on her face.

"That's great LoLo. Want to meet mine?"

"Of course."

"Boobear!" She called. To Liam's and I's surprise, Louis walked out from the library's built in cafe.

"Lou?" We asked simultaneously.

"Lou is your boyfriend?" I asked Anuhea. She nodded.

"You know him?"

"Yeah he's in our friend group at school. Liam and his friends, including Lou, have been becoming my friends for the past few weeks."

"That's awesome!" Anuhea hugged me and we all sat down.

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