Protective brother

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Ron's POV- (Early HBP)

He doesn't think I've noticed how he's changed towards her. He talks to her more so then ever when before he ignored her. Well he didn't so much ignore her as not notice her as much as he should have. And it crushed her. I was there. But now...

He watches.

He glares.

As she smiles and laughs.

With someone else.

He seems to think I see this glaring and observing as 'brotherly protection'.

Despite what Hermione believes I do possess more than a teaspoon of emotions. I may not say the most intelligent things.

Merlin knows I do have the habit of saying the worst things at the wrong moment. Everyone here knows that.

Hell the whole world probably does.

But I always notice these things. Always have.

I guess that's my role in our friendship.

I watch.

On the outside.

Taking in the little details that are often ignored.

Like his posture.

When she comes in he sits up alert, when she leaves he all but deflates. When she compliments him he rises up when she seems down he is similarly small.

I know Hermione suspects but she doesn't know anything.

That's a small thing with her. She always needs proof. Sometimes you just need to go with a gut feeling. And this is a gut feeling and a brotherly instinct you could say. I frown in my seat leaning forward a bit. Hermione glances up at me but Harry doesn't notice.

He is continuing his favourite hobby.

Ginny watching.

His green eyes locked on her every move. Every time she looks over he blushes slightly or smiles waving slightly before turning away. They darken as Dean says something to her whispering in her ear or touches her. They brighten as she pushes him away and smiles over at him. They glitter like the gems Ginny described them as so long ago. (Where did that small Ginny go? I wonder from time to time)

He seems to think that no one knows.

But I do.

The person he seems to fear the most knowing.

Well he should.

He may be my best mate, but still.

She is my little sister; no matter how much she has grown up, forever surprising me.

Ginny is over here and is talking to Harry brightly. He laughs never letting his eyes drifting from her.

And as she laughs with him, I look at Hermione and back at them and I know.

That this is it for him.

No one else will ever match up in his eyes.

Ginny has her long held wish, even if she doesn't realise it yet.

But this is a bizarre thing for me.

My best mate is falling hard.

And by Merlin it just HAD to be my little sister didn't it?

Oh trouble always does seem to find Harry, that's for sure.

And trouble will find him in the form of the Weasley brothers if he hurts her mark my words.

Even if he is my best mate.

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