Decisions, Decisions and More Decisions

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Maddie's P.O.V

        Ugh. I had to make a decision. My two decisions, if I wanted to stay here and run from that for my entire life or go back marry Skyler and see if it works out. I don't really want to see if it works out because I hate my dad right now. And I already know it's not going to work. I didn't reply to his message though. I just ignored it. I still couldn't decide if I was going to go back to California to marry that douche bag or stay here where I'm happy.
"Lexi." I whined
"What?" Lexi asked
"Skyler wants me to at least give that whole marriage thing a chance." I said
"Well, you should. I mean come on he also said if it doesn't work out that he'll never talk to you again." Lexi said looking at the message
"Okay, fine. I'll tell Luke in the morning that we're going back to California to give it a chance." I said
Lexi and I went to sleep.
        Sorry for the short chapter. I truly am sorry. There's not that much to write for this chapter.

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