5sos Concert Part 1

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            Maddie's P.O.V
        I called my dad so he could come and pick us up after the movie. It was about 5:15. We got home about 5:30. Lexi and I went straight to my room so we could get ready. I was changed into my blue dress. Lexi was in her pink dress. It took us like half hour on our make-up. It was about 6 when we finished getting ready. So we straightened our hair. Then that took another half hour. It's now 6:30, and now we have to leave because of the 20 minute drive. 6:40 now. I am so excited. I mean why am I excited? Lexi should be, oh wait she doesn't know where we are because I have blind fold over her eyes so she doesn't see.
"Dad, can you stand here with Lexi for like 5 minutes?" I asked Dad
"Yeah where are you going?" Dad asked
"I'm going to find Uncle Luke." I whispered
"Okay." Dad said
        I ran into the Arena. I got stopped but showed them my backstage I.D. They let me through. Except for one he wouldn't let me go to the dressing room. I called Luke.
"Hello?" I asked
"Maddie, what's up?" Luke asked
"The freaking security guard won't let me into the dressing room." I said
"Okay. I'll be out in a minute." Luke said
        Luke came out and let me in because the security guard was being an asshole and wouldn't let me in. I went in.
"What's up munchkin?" Calum asked
"Well, I have a list of songs you guys should play first." I said
"Okay." Calum said
I handed them the list.
1. Disconnected
2. Rejects
3. Gotta get out
4. Out of my limit
5. What I like about you
"Are these Alexis's favorite songs?" Luke asked
"Yeah, her top 5." I said
"Okay, yeah." Luke said
"Oh and can you guys help us on stage for What I like about you?" I asked
"Yeah." Calum said
"Okay, and what I like about you goes to the birthday girl Alexis Copeland." I said
        I walked out and ran down the hall and to the front because the concert was going to start in like a half hour so we had to go and get our spots. 5 minutes until the concert started. So I took the blind fold off of Alexis.
"Wait, this isn't a club." Lexi said confused
"I know, It's a 5sos concert." I said
"No way!" She screamed
"Yes way." I said
        The boys came running out onto the stage. Luke and Calum and Michael all winked at us. Ashton didn't because he went straight for his drums.
"Alright, these first 5 songs go out to my niece and her best friend." Luke said
They started playing Disconnected.

Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh

Life's a tangled web
Of cell phone calls and hash-tag I-don't-knows
And you you're so caught up
In all the blinking lights and dial tones
I admit I'm a bit of a victim in the worldwide system too
But I've found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favorite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh
We're so disconnected
Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh

Hands around my waist
You're counting up the hills across the sheets
And I'm a falling star
A glimmer lighting up these cotton streets
I admit I'm a bit of a fool for playing by the rules
But I've found my sweet escape when I’m alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favorite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Turn off the radio
Those late night TV shows
Hang up the telephone
And just be here with me

Turn off the radio
Those late night TV shows
Hang up the telephone
And just be here with me

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favorite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favorite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh
We're so disconnected
Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh
Then they started playing Rejects
Back at school
They all thought I was an outcast, car crash
"A hopeless fool",
They said to me
And my girlfriend
Said I messed up, will I ever grow up?
In the end,
I’m not gonna

What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It’s not a secret
That I’m just a reject
Sick of the system
Don’t wanna hear it
It’s not a secret
That I’m just a reject

I’m just a reject

My teacher said
I was mentally disabled, so unstable
So I’d stay in bed
All day
Save your breath,
You can talk at me but I’m not listening
If this is a test,
Then I’m probably failing

What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It’s not a secret
That I’m just a reject
Sick of the system
Don’t wanna hear it
It’s not a secret
That I’m just a reject

They try to save me
But I’m too far gone
And they called me crazy
So I played along
And you wanna change me
But I’m on my own

La da da da da, la da da da duh [2x]

What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It’s not a secret
That I’m just a reject
Sick of the system
Don’t wanna hear it
It’s not a secret
That I’m just a reject

I’m just a reject [2x]
Then it was Gotta Get Out
Even when the sky is falling down
Even when the earth is crumbling 'round my feet

Even when we try to say goodbye
And you can cut the tension with a knife in here

Cause I know what'll happen
If we get through this

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees baby
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out
And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around baby
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out

'Cause I feel so damn lost
And it comes with a cost of being alone

Everything is falling down
We're suffering, helpless thoughts and
Out we sing, prayers go to the sky

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees baby
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out
Gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out
And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around baby
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out

And if we fall
It's not your fault
Shadows covering
Our selfish foes
And as our love,
Can go out on a high note

Even when the sky is falling down
Even when the earth is crumbling 'round my feet
Around my feet

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees baby
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out
Gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out
And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around baby
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out

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