Getting Married

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Maddie's P.O.V

        I had woken up to my dad getting me and Lexi up because he wants Skyler and I to go down to the court so we could get married. Dad doesn't know my plan. So it's all good. I had put this
        I still had about an hour or so before I had to meet Skyler at the court house. So I Skyped the boys.
"Hey gurrll." Calum said
"Don't ever say that again." I said laughing
"Okay." Calum said
"So what's up?" I asked
"Nothing much. We have a concert tonight." Calum said
"I wish I could be there." I said
"I wish I could be there too." Lexi popped in
"We all wish you two were back here is Australia." Michael said
"I know." I said
"Where's Ashton and Luke?" Lexi asked
"Oh they're at the store." Michael said
        That had passed about a half hour. So I got offline and got ready to leave because it was about a 15 minute drive over to the court house and I wanted to be early so I could get it over with.
        I met Skylar at the court house. I was texting Luke because he was home alone and he was bored. After I seen Skylar, we went and got 'married'. My dad had rented us an apartment. We went back to my dad's. I had got my things and then we went and got Skylar's things. We went to our apartment and we started unpacking. After we finished unpacking Skylar turned on the TV and got on his laptop. I went to change the channel.
"I'm watching that." Skylar said
"You're on your computer," I yelled
"Bitch I was watching that!" Skylar yelled
"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" I yelled
        Skylar didn't get off his computer. Whatever. I walked up into my room. I was getting a Skype call. I answered it. It was Lexi.
"Hey." Lexi said
"I'll call you back." I said
"Wait, if you want to come over you can, because, I heard the yelling," Lexi said. Lexi lives just down the street
        I ended the Skype call. I packed clothes and electronics. I walked out the door. Our first fight.

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