Chapter 1

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It was a very nice day in Iacon as a young clerk was heading to work. His name was Orion Pax. Sure he was smaller than most mechs in Iacon but he was the most beloved. Everyone was so nice to him. Some offered to help him carry things. Others offered to pay for things he wanted. Orion would try and push past these groups and get on with his day. Each and every day is a great day for Orion. He gets to work were no other mech or femme in Iacon have been. The Archives. Now the Archives are very sacred texts that lie in very special chambers below the library. The Iacon Hall was the biggest and only library in the city. So you can say it's very busy.

Orion walked down the sidewalk and tried to avoid running into people. "Excuse me!" He said, passing through. Some of the mechs yelled at him. Others smiled and chuckled watching the clerk run down the road. He looked at his clock and panicked. "I'm going to be late!" He ran down towards the library and was so close but someone opened their business door and Orion smacked into it. The young mech fell to the floor and rubbed his helm. The mech knelt down and looked for any dents in Orion's exterior. "I'm so sorry, Orion, I didn't see you." The clerk nodded and got up and ran.

He ran across the street and slid over the hood of a fellow cybertronian. "Oops! Sorry!" He opened the door and the bell rang as the string was pulled. The femme who sat behind a desk looked over. "You're late Orion." She said, typing an email to Alpha Trion. Orion tried to catch his breath and swiped his ID card. "Yea...Is he waiting for me?" The femme nodded and handed Orion a card. The clerk nodded and headed to the elevators. He swiped the card and inserted his pin and the elevator opened. Orion stepped in and set his cards in his satchel as the door closed. The elevator took him down.

"I'm sorry Alpha Trion, sir, I slept in." The elderly mech turned as the clerk ran out of the elevator. He chuckled and placed his servo on young Pax's shoulder. "No need to panic Orion." Orion looked up after pulling his satchel off his shoulders. There wasn't much going on. "Why is the library so empty? I've noticed all the empty tables on my way in." Alpha Trion walked around and dusted off the sacred Iacon books. The femme who sat at the front desk came down and Alpha Trion leaned down as she seemed to have been whispering into his audio receptors.

"Orion, would you be so kind and take these books to the Iacon Hospital?" Orion looked at the books and cleared his throat, "Of course Alpha Trion, sir." He took the stack of books into his arms and headed to the elevator. It's been awhile since he's seen Ratchet wonder what he needed these books for. As the elevator doors opened Orion headed out and up the street to the Iacon Hospital. The original things started again. A mech walked over and stopped his call and asked if Orion needed help. "No I-I got it. Thanks tho." Orion moved his books into his one arm and laid it against the wall. He grabbed his card that was around his neck and scanned it.

The door automatically opened and Orion stepped in quickly before they closed. The hospital was busy today. There were doctors, surgeons, and nurses running about looking at patients' medical files. There was a familiar voice in all the rush and Orion looked over to see Ratchet. "Um, Ratchet!" The doctor looked back and set his cup down. "I see you got the work cut out for you again." The clerk smiled and handed his friend some books, "Just doing my job which is really hard but fun." Ratchet sighed and looked through the book he grabbed off the top of the stack.

Orion handed the stack to the other nurse and rested his arms for a bit. Ratchet took Orion to the back room to get him some energon. "Is the library busy today?" The clerk blew on his energon and shook his helm. "It was pretty empty when I got there." Ratchet nodded and looked around. The hospital was busy. After Ratchet's shift was over he walked Orion back to the library. "Wanna come meet Alpha Trion?" The clerk asked. Ratchet looked pleased, he's always wanted to meet Alpha Trion. "Sure." Orion took out his ID card and scanned it to enter the elevator. Ratchet stepped in nervously.

The elevator doors closed and took the two down into the Archives. Ratchet was in awe as they headed down. Everything was so bright and blue. Not to mention it was very clean down in the Archives. Orion smiled and grabbed Ratchet's servo and pulled him out of the elevator. They stood in front of a desk where a large and elderly mech sat. He turned his helm and closed the book he was ready. "Orion I see you brought a friend." The clerk nodded. "This is Ratchet, he's one of the best medics here in Iacon." Alpha Trion leaned over his desk and put out his servo, "Alpha Trion."

Ratchet shook the mechs servo and looked around. "Pleasure to meet you. This is a ugh nice place?" Alpha Trion stroked his beard and stood up. "Yes. Almost 100 years old. Full of very sacred artifacts." Orion smiled and stayed silent as the two talked. "It's very nice and really clean for a big room." Alpha Trion set his servo on Ratchet's back and walked hima round the Archives to show him some of the things he was interested in. "I've been reading about all this ancient stuff. Surprised it's even still intact." Alpha Trion smiled and looked at the time. "Orion your shift is over. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't be late." Orion smiled and grabbed his things.

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