Chapter 4

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Ratchet was working in the carriage room checking off all the newly born sparklings. As he walked by he checked off the names. A young doctor walked in and played with one of the young. "How are we?" Ratchet turned back and looked at the doctor. "We're good I guess. We can have the larger families come first to collect their young." The other doctor chuckled, "I meant the mechs and femmes what's our ratio." Ratchet looked down to his data pad and turned to the mech, "The ratio to mechs and femmes is exactly; 12:17." The doctor sighed and walked over closer to Ratchet. "Dang, people like to have their moments eh?" Ratchet stepped away from the doctor and walked tot he back room to wash his servos. "Where you going?" The doctor said. Ratchet washed his servos and looked at him, "Stay away from me." There was the sound of running in the hall and the two doctors headed out.

"M-Megatronus?" Ratchet questioned as he came face to face with the gladiator. Megatronus slightly smiled but frowned when he looked down to Orion. "What happened!" Ratchet yelled. They ran to an emergency room. "Knock Out contact Pharma!" (At this point I'm mixing universes) Megatronus laid the clerk down and stayed beside him. Ratchet looked at the files and gathered everything for Pharma. "What is it?" The tall doctor asked. Ratchet looked over and walked up to Pharma. "Orion was shot is what the gladiator told me." Pharma pulled his eye glasses down and looked at he wound. "You're lucky he's not dead." Megatronus nodded and sat down and watched them do surgery.

After awhile later Pharma pulled down his mask and asked Ratchet to go get the gladiator. Ratchet opened the door and the two stood up. "He'll be fine. Just needs to rest." Megatronus looked at the young clerk who was laying in the med asleep, resting. "Can you take him to his domain. I need to get back." Ratchet nodded as Pharma stepped out beside him and walked to the office.

~+_This chapter is short I know but I'm out of ideas. This part of the whole series is gonna be short. Either Chapter 5 or 6 will be the start of the uprising but I don't really know yet. Also I'm thinking of another fanfiction series so beware of that_+~

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