Chapter 2

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The next day, Orion was up earlier than usual. He looked at his clock and read the time 4:32. He still had 3 hours till he actually had to get up. The clerk couldn't sleep. He walked around his domain a couple times and tried to find something to tire him out. Nothing worked. Orion got up out of his berth once again and walked down to the kitchen to see if he had any kind of medicine that'd put him to sleep. There was once again, nothing. The clerk sighed and looked over to his datapad. "I'm gonna call Ratchet." He said, getting off the counter. (He's so little he has to get on the counter to reach the cabinets XD)

Orion sat on the couch and went to his contacts and called his friend. The call went through which meant he was awake. "What." Ratchet's voice came soothingly. Orion looked around and sighed. "Hey. Can't sleep either huh." The medic nodded and rubbed his optics. The clerk was curious to how Ratchet was having trouble sleeping too. "So what do you have going on tomorrow?" Orion asked. Ratchet sighed and rolled onto his back. "Hopefully a full schedule." Orion sighed and slouched in his seat and looked outside. "It's nice out." Ratchet nodded and took a deep breath. "So what do you have going on?" Orion turned on his TV and sat back.

"Right now I'm just watching the news." Orion looked over the datapad and switched the call to his comm unit. He could just hear Ratchet, no longer could see him. Same thing for Ratchet's end. "Anything exciting on the news?" Orion chuckled and Ratchet chuckled knowing it was dumb. "Yea, I guess. There's a cure for Crosis." Ratchet nodded and hummed. "Well Imma try to get some sleep. Goodnight Orion." The clerk turned to another channel and sighed. "Alright. See you tomorrow maybe." Orion looked at the TV and leaned up on his seat. There was a large mech standing on a podium speaking to a large crowd of people.

The clerk got lost and soon found himself stuck to the TV and listened to the mech's words. As the news reporter started talking Orion read the words at the bottom. "Gladiator Megatronus, from Kaon reports about equality." Orion wrote down some of the things that stood out to him. As the time passed Orion soon got tired from writing. He shut off his datapad and walked up stairs. He laid down and fell into recharge. Finally he could get a good sleep in before the big day.

At the Archives, Orion was walking down the aisles and setting books on the shelves. A young femme walked over and tapped the young clerk on the back. "Excuse me?" Orion turned back and sighed. "Yes..." The femme looked around, "Do you have any books on the gladiators?" Orion looked around and sighed again. His day just gets worse. "No we don't." The femme sighed and walked away, rolling her optics. Orion groaned and cracked his spinal cord as he's been bending all day. "Please have something to get me off work and take a break." Orion begged. The bell rang and Orion looked over to see Ratchet. Orion walked over and saw the medic had something in his servos. "What is it?" He asked.

Ratchet handed Orion the paper and the clerk unraveled it. "No way!" Ratchet smiled and watched Orion smile. "He's coming to town!? Today!?" Ratchet chuckled, "You better get your things or we'll be late." Orion ran down to the Archives and grabbed his things. "Alpha Trion! I'm going to Town Square! Megatronus is there! Maybe I could get something written!" Alpha Trion smiled and looked back. "Make sure it's good, Pax." The young archivist ran back into the elevator and couldn't wait. He was shaking, literally. When Orion got back to the top floor he dashed out and grabbed Ratchet's arm, "C'mon!!" He shouted.

Orion stopped and tried to catch his breath and let go of Ratchet's arm. "Up there!" The clerk shouted. Ratchet picked Orion up onto his shoulders and Orion could see the gladiator in all his glory. "Ratchet he's beautiful!" Ratchet smiled and set Orion down. "Why don't you go up to him?" Orion looked back surprised. Ratchet was gonna let him walk up to the great Kaonian Gladiator!? "Thanks Ratchet!" Orion said, hugging his friend. Ratchet smiled and patted Orion's helm, "Now go on. I'm going to shop around the markets." Orion grabbed his things and tried to make his way through the crowd to get to the podium to see Megatronus. He bumped into many cybertronians. "Oops. Sorry." He said.

A mech bowed down and hit Orion. The young mech tried to get his balance back. Just as he did someone stepped on his pede. "Ow!" He yelled, hopping on one pede. The crowd moved and Orion lost balance. He fell towards the ground but someone caught him. The clerk opened his optics to see not only a large crowd of Iaconians staring down on him but the greatest sight was the bright face of the Kaonian Gladiator. The large mech helped the clerk stand up. "You alright, young one?" Orion didn't know what to say. Megatronus was so much bigger up close. "Um I'm alright thanks for, um, catching me."

Megatronus chuckled and knelt down to be about Orion's height. "Would you like to show me around your city?" Orion's face lit up. Megatronus was asking him to see the city!? Orion played with his digits, "Um yea. I ain't got anything else to do anyways." The clerk grabbed the gladiator's servo and pushed through the crowd. They ran by the Cafe, Restaurants, Large buildings, small buildings, and the library. Through the rich and poor parts of Iacon. Then as the day was nearly over they headed up to the great willow in the Iaconain park. The sun set in the horizon making a beautiful sky. Orion held onto Megatronus' servos as they spun in a circle.

Once they were dizzy they let go and fell onto their backs laughing. Megatronus looked over and smiled to see Orion so happy. "What a place." Megatronus said. Orion looked over and smiled. "Yea. I really like it here." The two sat up to look out to the water and see the beauty. "The sun looks cool." Orion said, pulling his legs to his chassis. Megatronus looked around and started to get up. "Where are you going?" Orion asked. The gladiator looked down at the clerk and sighed. "I have to get back to Kaon. You should get home." Orion got up and looked at the gladiator. Before they could part their ways, they hugged.

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