Chapter 6: Smut

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Megatronus was over at Orion's house and they were hanging out until there was something on the radio. Megatronus snarled and crushed his glass. Orion looked over and freaked out, "Did you cut yourself!?" The gladiator chuckled and rubbed his bloody servo on his thigh. "I'm fine I've been hurt worse." Orion looked up to see what was on Tv. The clerk felt sick to his stomach and shut off the Tv. "That was dumb. The council says people are free yet they still hold slaves??" Megatronus nodded and held his servo watching it bleed. Orion sat up on the berth and looked at Megatronus' servo. Orion saw the energon and licked the cut. Megatronus purred as he watched Orion clean his servo for him. "You know I was a slave once." Orion gasped and looked over, "Really!?" The gladiator nodded. "Once my slave owner knew how much fight and anger I had they put me into the gladiatorial pits to fight for Kaons own entertainment." Orion looked at the gladiators servos and saw them shaking. "Just get some rest it's been a long day for you." Orion got up and walked out of the room.

Megatronus laid down and shut his optics and fell asleep. Orion came back in and saw the gladiator tucked up on the small berth. Orion smiled and walked over. He sat down and rubbed the gladiators arm to soothe the mech. Orion looked down to the spike panel covering Megatronus' lower body. Orion's always wanted to be with Megatronus. But what would Ratchet say?? A Kaonian with a Iaconian!? That's against law!! Orion was WAY to young to young to have a spike shoved into him. His valve wasn't properly built and his pheromones were too sensitive. Interfacing with Megatronus would be rape, at this point. Orion removed the gladiators spike panel and got up on top of him. "Let's take this nice and slow..." Orion said nervous to interface. Orion lifted up and opened his panel. He slowly entered Megatronus' spike into him and he couldn't keep quiet. Orion didn't know how Megatronus was but the lust just got worse and he started to bounce. "Oh...t-this is good~" Orion let out a loud moan and lost his mind. He started to grind onto Megatronus spike and got faster and faster.

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