Chapter 3

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A few weeks later, Orion was walking down the main street of Iacon. He had his helm down and wasn't looking. There was a loud sound and Orion looked over to see a vehicle coming his way. He should've moved but instead he froze. A larger mech yelled at him and tackled him to the ground. Orion tucked into the other mechs frame and shut his optics tightly. When everything was quiet the mech looked down. "What happened?" Orion couldn't believe it. It was Megatronus!? Again. Orion shook his helm and took the gladiators servo as he stood up. "I don't know I guess I heard the noise and freaked out." Megatronus sighed and started walking. Orion looked around and wanted to walk with him. "Wait! Do you mind if I walk with you?" The gladiator smiled and reached his servo out. Orion gasped and ran over taking the mech's servo. Megatronus was really nice. Wonder why the others were scared of him?

As they walked they came near the border to Kaon. Orion looked at the dark shadowy city and pulled back. "I can't go in there." Megatronus looked back and sighed. He walked over to the troubled young mech and knelt down. "It's gonna be ok. As long as I'm around and you stay near me nobody will hurt you." Orion still didn't look pleased. Megatronus stood up and reached his arm out asking for the young clerks servo. Orion smiled and grabbed the gladiators servo. They stepped over the deep crease in the planet and entered Kaon. Orion was still shaken up and walked very slow. He was shaking to his core. Megatronus kept stopping and asking if the clerk was alright. "Once we get to the place you'll be fine."

~A While Later~

The two reached the building and it was just as broken and worn down like the rest of the city. "This poor place..." Orion said. Megatronus opened the door and the inside was worse. In some spaces you could see the outside through massive holes. Everything was old and wrecked. It looked like it was burned down and not rebuilt. Kaon was very poor and didn't have as much fame as Iacon did. The new council members that the public chose took all the glory from Kaon to give light and wealth to the other cities. Orion couldn't wrap his little mind around how someone like Megatronus could live in such a place. The two sat down at a table. "So where are we?" Megatronus looked over to the top half of Orion's face that stuck up from the table.

"This is a bar but I'm meeting someone here. He's not very nice with new people so you might wanna put something on to cover up." Orion looked around and saw vines and other things. "Could I cover in vines and stuff?" Megatronus shook his helm, "You're still smaller than an average Kaonian," Megatronus growled, "I'll just cover you. Stay quiet." The doors busted open and a mech about Megatronus' height stepped in. The bartender pointed over to where Orion and Megatronus were. Orion tucked the best he could behind the large gladiator. The mech sat down and Orion was terrified once again. "Soundwave, great to see you again." Megatronus said. Soundwave turned his helm over and Megatronus scooted over to hide Orion's arm.

Before Soundwave could move Megatronus the doors swung open again. Some of the darker mechs stepped in. In Kaon there were peasants, gladiators, marksmen, but the worse was a new class that someone created; The Dark Ranglers. The Ranglers were almost like Iacon's wreckers but they were worse. The leader was like an old western mech who had two sidearms in their holsters. He spit and walked over to the table where Orion and the gladiators sat. "Get under the table." Megatronus said. Orion nodded, horrified and slipped under the table. Soundwave and Megatronus played it cool. "What you doing up here gladiators?" The mech asked. Soundwave didn't speak but Megatronus stood up slightly. "You never said I couldn't come up here."

The old mech slammed his servos down on the table and snarled. "I told you before you left to never come tot he east side of Kaon. Unless you wanna get shot at." The other mechs around them had their servos on their guns. Orion watched and listened and just couldn't take it anymore. He pushed out from the table and stepped out to the bigger mechs. "Leave him alone! You ain't no better then the miners in those dark, cold and nasty mines!" Megatronus stepped over and looked back at Orion. The mechs chuckled and the leader picked up Orion. "Put me down!" Orion cried. The mech chuckled, "This here is an Iaconian. What you doing here in Kaon with a ruthless gladiator hmm?" Orion looked over to the two gladiators "Their my friends." The mech chuckled and turned the clerk to face him.

"These are your friends. Gladiators? Well at least Soundwave is a gladiator. You... you're more of a slave than a gladiator." Megatronus snarled and slammed his fist into the old mechs side. Soundwave ripped out his swords and held them to the others throats. Megatronus grabbed Orion and held him close to his chassis. "Don't you ever touch him!" The gladiator snapped. One of the mech pulled out their gun and fired. Without a second later Orion leaned onto Megatronus and groaned. Megatronus snarled and fired his canon (Does he still have his canon?) at the mech who had shot Orion's chassis. Megatronus grabbed Orion and ran out of the building. Soundwave fought off the older mechs and caught up.

Megatronus set Orion down on his couch and ran into the back room. "Soundwave watch the door!" Orion cried and winced as his chassis leaked energon. "He..he shot m-me." He cried. Megatronsu snarled and set his tools down. "It's ok I've got you." Soundwave moved the curtains and looked out to the streets. The mechs ran right by them. "Who's domain is this...?" Orion asked. Megatronus shook his helm and pressed a rag against the wound, "That doesn't matter." Orion held onto Megatronus' arm as he cleaned up the wound. "Ok now I'm going to grab the bullet." Orion winced and pulled back, "No!" Soundwave pinned the young clerk down so they could help him. "Orion calm down." The gladiator moved closer and put the cold metal tool on Orion's wound. The clerk jerked back and screamed. Megatronus felt so sick that he had to do this to the young mech.

Finally, Megatronus pulled up and the bullet was removed. Soundwave covered Orion's wound as he continued to leak. "He may need to be checked by a doctor." Orion sat up and groaned as he was soar. "I know someone, in Iacon." Megatronus sighed and stood up, "I'll take you back." Soundwave opened the door and they headed out through the back of Kaon.

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