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The Pack was running. Side by side they ran, their breath forming white clods in front of their Noses. The Alpha was a nearly giant black Werewolf, large enough to fight of a Brownbear or even a Grizzly. Him followed a beautiful silver Shewolf, side by side with the other Wolves. They were a small pack, but they had taken a Territory most other Wolves would die for. The Black Forest, filled with Magic as old as the World. The Alpha loved this Place. His Human loved it too.

While they ran, they got closer to a small Muggle Town at the Edge of the Forest. They knew better than getting too close, but tonight there was the smell of a stranger in the Air. A Stranger the Pack wouldn't tolerate! The Shewolf stayed back a bit as they charged, the black wolf in the lead. But as they charged onto the Clearing, ready to face a serious Invasion from another Pack or unsuspecting Wizards to scare of, they were met with the sight of something they hadn't expected.

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