The Dragon-Tamer |:| Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing a story, so please be kind.
I do not own My Hero Academia, or the characters, but the story idea is completely original. I think. 
(BTW, Izuku looks like the picture but with less pointy ears)


"KATSUKI!" Katsuki Bakugo, king of the dragon empire Dragone, was awoken at 6 a'clock in the morning by screaming. Not just any screaming, it was his mother, Mitsuki Bakugo, who was calling him down. Immediately, he sprung out of bed, ignoring the slight nausea he felt for standing too quickly. He hauled on the brown shorts he always wore, and draped on his red cape, it's bushy collar brushing against his face as he swung the door open - he never bothered wearing a shirt, it was too hot for that anyways. "I'M FUCKING COMING OLD HAG, HOLD YOUR TITS!" he shouted back, sliding down the polished banister to the throne room, fixing his cape as he opened the door to where his parents spent so much time in. "What is it?" he asked, falling into his golden chair.

"Katsuki, dear, we may have a slight problem." Masaru gestures, moving to face his hot-headed son. Katsuki, being the disrespectful man he was, had his legs resting on the chair arm, the other one occupied by his head. "Our Dragon-Tamer is dead." Mitsuki deadpanned, not wanting to baby her perfectly capable child. "You need to find a better one." Katsuki sat properly for this. He had to think of a way to find a man worthy of looking after his dragons. He sighed heavily and propped his head on his hands, his elbows digging into his thighs. As he dove deeper into thought, a small smirk planted itself onto his face.

"Is that purple lizard still acting untamable? Or has he calmed down now?" Masaru looked at his wife then back at his son worryingly. "Do you mean Shinso? If so, then our Tamer hadn't been able to calm him, no." Mitsuki pushed her wife to the side, standing tall infront of the slumping king. "I feel like you're making an unreasonable decision." Katsuki frowned up at her - it wasn't that unreasonable, whoever could do what he was thinking was obviously better than the old man. He was going to make that 'unreasonable' decision anyway.

"I have an idea."


Izuku skipped along the trees, his hands swinging softly next to him as his hair bobbed along to his footsteps. The brown and golden leaves of autumn floated down gracefully from their branches around him and the birds in them sung sweetly to the hum of the wind. The sun sat adoringly in the sapphire sky, marking the time roughly midday. Izuku abruptly stopped, staring out of the forest at the Town in front. He didn't normally do this, but that day, there happened to be a Palace guard in the town square. He wasn't a criminal, he would have never tried to do anything remotely against the law ever in his - hopefully - long life. Just as he was about go check it out, a gleeful voice jumped into his hears - "What 'cha doing?" Izuku almost jumped out of his skin, sinning around so fast he fell backwards. "Ack- What the hell!?" He cried, looking up at the mystery stranger. "Sorry, but i was just making sure you weren't a criminal. 'cause you were in the shadows." The red haired man pointed his finger to the bronzing leaves that still hung on the brown branches of tall, thick oak trees. "'cause of, ya know, the trees." He chuckled a little, reaching a hand out toward Izuku's face - "My name's Eijiro Kirishima, what's yours?" 

Izuku took Eijiro's hand, using it as a railing to pull himself up. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, and sorry, but I'm not a criminal, it's just that I've never seen palace guards come here before. Besides, I live in the forest so I was just coming out of it." he explained, shaking his hands rapidly, making the golden cuffs on his wrists clink slightly. "Speaking of which, are you with her? What are you guys doing here? Did we do something wrong?" He questioned, looking more closely at the joyful man infront of him. He had red wings on his back, and scales covering his cheeks and knuckles, probably other parts of his body too. "Oh, well I'm here to make sure she doesn't die, plus I'm her 'eyes-in-the-sky' for when we go places." he answered, slinging his arm over the smaller boy's shoulders, leading him out of the forest to the town square. "She's here to deliver a very important poster concerning a job at the palace." Eijiro continued, pointing to the shiny armor that covered the men at the town bill-board. "It's about the Dragon-Tamer, he died-" Izuku froze, had he been eaten? Are the dragons at the palace really that bad that they would eat their Tamer? "-of a sickness, and the king needs a replacement." the greenette, relaxed, at least now he knows the dragons didn't eat them. "Well, how do you apply? It's about time I get a job, and I think I can look after some dragons." Izuku spoke up, interrupting the man's speech and looking at him in the face. "Can you take me to the palace? That's how you try for it right? Just show up?" He shifted, making Eijiro's arm fall from him. "Well, I mean sure, but you might want to take some weapons. These forests are pretty much harmless, but the dragon the king is making people try tame is ruthless." he shrugged, looking into the square at the pink-haired woman pinning a poster to a board. 

"Hey, not to be rude, but what are you? You're not a dragon, but you don't seem human either." Izuku commented, sparing another glance at the red horns that protruded from the guy's head. "It's okay, I'm a half blood. Half dragon half human." Eijiro chuckled, turning his attention back to the small boy, who looked slightly confused. "What about your hoard? Who looks after it when you're gone now that the Dragon-Tamer is... dead?" Eijiro winced a bit at the mention of the dead man, but it wasn't that noticeable to the worried boy. "Uh, well... since I'm a half blood, I've never had a hoard like the other dragons."


Izuku returned home - after the reassurance that the guards would wait for him - and gathered some supplies. He didn't have any weapons, but why would he need them? The only likely for the dragon's temper, was because they felt threatened, not many dragons attack for no reason, they are more mature than that. Kirishima explained that he had never met the beast, but he knows that they were kept in a wooden room, that was surrounded by fireproof metal. This concerned Izuku, because the beast could've been feeling lonely, being separated from others of it's species and the outside world. It wasn't healthy. That's why, Izuku only packed a few candles, a matchstick and a purple ribbon. He left the nest that used to belong to his adoptive father, Toshinori, and set out for the town. His blue cape blew gently in the midday breeze, his hair bouncing along, making the golden clips clash against his ears. As he skipped slightly on the path he carved from his own footsteps, he collected only the prettiest flowers he could see, most of which, were his old friend's favorite, lavender. Finally, he made it to the edge of the forest, checking to see if his new friend had kept to his words, to see him talking to the baker, who looked slightly uncomfortable. "Eijiro!" he shouted, motioning for the red head to come to him. The half-blood noticed this and immediately flew over, landing square infront of the frail boy. "There you are! The other guard went ahead, but knowing her, it won't take long to catch up." He turned around, marching for the forest patch opposite them, leading the way to the castle. Izuku smiled, wrapping his bouquet in the ribbon he had and placing it in his bag, the flower tops peeking out in a rainbow of petals.


Hey guys! This is my first chapter, I hope you liked it, I think I will post every Sunday, but school might get in the way. I hope you liked it, and please tell me if you have any ideas, I think this story idea is cool, but your guy's help would be very helpful! 

Word Count: 1437

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