The Dragon Tamer |:| Chapter 2

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Thank you to GhostNinjaX for helping me edit this chapter. 


Katsuki woke up early the next morning, when the morning birds were still just starting to sing. Their lovely tunes were the only noises that Katsuki wanted to hear as he stepped into the bathroom, the door clicking quietly as he locked it then continued forward on the tiled floor. The shower head rained warm water, as always and he stripped himself of clothing, tossing it worthlessly to the side. 

He stepped calmly into the shower, bringing his hands to his ash-blonde locks while he screamed internally about the day ahead. His eyebrows lifted while he stressfully thought about the shitty day he was about to have to endure. 'Why the fuck did I do that to myself. Now I'm going to have to listen to screaming all day because these old men can't hold themselves against a dragon.' he pondered, now regretting the decision he made the day before.

'And the interviewing too.' he groaned, finally reaching down to grab some soap - 'These extras probably don't even know how to handle it, just try to impress me without doing anything.' 

Turns out, he was very much correct about that. Most of the lunies just wanted to impress him, boasting about their old experiences before running out of the cage screaming. Each time he thought one of them were going to be manageable, they ended up dying, or getting traumatized. He really wasn't having a good day.


When Eijiro and Mina, as he learnt the other guard's name was, described the castle as 'huge' and 'beautiful', he didn't expect those words to be an understatement. The castle was absolutely humongous, being about two of Toshinori in length, and probably more in height. The building was a light grey shade, obviously cleaned regularly, and long drapes were hung from the sides, it's reddish hues gleaming brighter in the sunlight.

"Imagine how long it takes to clean that thing." Izuku couldn't help but mutter, mouth hanging open as he leaned back, gaping at the towers that spiraled into the clouds.

"Excuse me?" A voice cracked his imagination, bringing his head back to earth, snapping towards the direction it came from. "We show you an enormous castle, saying it's where we live and work," The pink haired woman flapping her arms about, gesturing vaguely at the castle; "AND YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT HOW LONG IT TAKES TO CLEAN IT!?" she screeched, looking close to fainting as she switched from looking at his confused face and the gigantic building.

"Yes?" Izuku almost questioned, not quite sure what to say. "W-well I mean, uh, i-it-it's pretty... p-pretty b-big too... I g-guess? I j-just th-thought about t-the pe-people who w-work here too." He stuttered, scratching his hair and shaking his other hand in the air, pointing at the castle. 

"Hey man, it's okay, I feel sorry for them too." Eijiro reassured, slinging his arm around the boy's neck. "Let's go see what Bakubro thinks of ya'."

"Oh yes! Let's go!" Mina looked better now, resorting to pushing both boys forward into the castle.


"I have studied dragons for many years and have trained some young men to handle it too. I have a lot of experience..." Katsuki was going to get a headache. He was so tired  of hearing this guy's voice, he almost lashed out a few times. "Listen here old man," Katsuki interrupted his speech, turning all eyes on him - "You can't just boast about things you don't live up to. Get in there and show me what you got."

"Of course, my king." 

It was only a few minutes before they heard shouting and a loud dragon roar. 

"NEXT!" he called out, waiting for a middle-aged man to walk in when he saw a blob of green that definitely did not belong to someone that age. The green blob merged into a young face, probably in his early 20s - peaking the king's interest. 

The man's face was surprisingly cute, the little freckles on his cheeks forming diamonds. The clips in his hair, the buttons on his shirt, the circlets on his wrists, the anklets that shimmered and jingled as he walked, the emerald earrings that pierced his ears, it all lead to him being rich. Strange. 

Katsuki definitely didn't recognize him, and the way his overall posture slumped a little, his head not even held high, lead him to being poor. Where did he get all that gold then? Did he steal it? It couldn't be, he would've known. Besides, a good criminal would never just waltz into the place they're wanted most. It couldn't be a dragon's, so where did he get it from?

"Good afternoon, my king." he politely greeted, bowing his head in respect. "I have come for the position of Dragon-Tamer. Please, call me Midoriya."


Izuku didn't exactly know what to do with himself. All around him, he saw older men sharpening their swords and axes, or chatting among their friends. He didn't have any friends, he didn't have any weapons; he just sat awkwardly on the grass and waited his turn, fixing his bouquet of flowers. 

"What are you doing here, listener?" a voice echoed behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You don't work here, do you?" He turned around, wanting to see who approached him. He was met with another older man, this time though, not holding any weapons, or even a bag. "Are you trying to be a Dragon-Tamer little listener? You're a bit young, don't you think?" The man had long, gold hair that reached his hips, a blue tunic covering his white shirt, and brown boots that folded just above his knees. 

Izuku shook his head vigorously, not wanting to disagree with the older male. "Well, I wish you luck, most people run out of there screaming, so if I were you, listener, I would show these chumps what I got!" He hyped up, smiling and pumping his fist in the air.

Izuku awkwardly put his fist in the air, making the man smile. It may not have looked it, but that really cheered Izuku up.


The greenette tried his best to stay calm as he was lead to the 'Throne Room'. He had never been anywhere so grand, so it was getting pretty hard not to gawk at everything he saw. "We're here!" Eijiro, who had been kind enough to escort him there, declared as they approached a wooden door. It had carvings of animals etched into the mahogany archway, the door itself was made of Ebony, and had the Dragone crest - a dragon breathing out flames - molded in the middle. 

The half blood pushed the door open wide for Izuku, only whispering, "Be polite, address him as 'my king' and don't look him in the eye." as a good luck before winking with a thumbs up and shoving him in the room. 

Hesitant at first, he shuffled forward, eyes trained on the floor. "My king, the next candidate is ready for his questions." a blue haired guard stated, pulling Izuku by the arm toward the middle of the room. "Good afternoon, my king." he managed to say without stuttering, surprising himself. "I have come for the position of Dragon-Tamer, please, call me Midoriya." he worded, trying his best to be respectful.

"Where are your weapons? You won't last two seconds against a beast without at least a shield." the king responded, a mocking tone in his voice. Izuku couldn't help it anymore, he snapped his head up, wanting to see who could've accused a dragon of such a thing, calling it a beast no less. "My king, I believe I will not need any, dragons don't attack without reason." 

The blonde king openly scoffed, confusing Izuku before it flashed in his memory, 'don't look him in the eye' he already did something wrong, in a moment of panic, he forced his head down, biting his lip nervously.

I've only been in here for five minutes, how could I have already disrespected the king!?


Thank you for reading! sorry for a late update, I haven't yet decided a time to upload each chapter and was doing some last-minute check-ups. Hope you like this chapter though! I hope you have a nice day, and stay positive ^v^! 

Word count: 1396 words

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