The Dragon Tamer |:| Chapter 4

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I have been really busy this week but I still wanted to put a chapter out. Bare with a shorter chapter than usual while I get back on track =v=" It's actually Saturday now, so I only have today and tomorrow to write this. Hope you enjoy it anyways ^v^ Thank you in advance to GhostninjaX.


Izuku let himself be dragged by the king to wherever he took him, unable to refuse or fight back. It wasn't too long when he found himself in the throne room, kneeling before the stoic man. 

"Speak." he commanded, his tone not wavering in the slightest.


Come on dad! I wanna get to the watering hole first!

"I was with Toshinori, my father-figure dragon at the time."

If we don't get there first, where else are we meant to get water?

"We were trying to get to a watering hole for a drink, it was the first time to appear after the harsh winter."

Ah! Dad! We aren't the first ones here!

"There was a young, but older than me, dragon on the other side of the hole."

Why are they here before us? We were supposed to go first!

"It really pissed me off because I wanted to get there first."

Can I go tell them to go away? 


What do you mean no? I want to be the first one here!

"I wanted to tell him to go away, but Toshinori didn't let me."

Fine! But we'll be first next year, right?


I'll go tell them to come here later next year.

"I went up to him to tell him to come later next year."

Hey! Can you get here after us next year? I wanna be here first at least once in my life!

"But he just ignored me and kept on drinking."

Hello? Why are you ignoring me? Are you deaf?

"I said something that pissed him off, and he tried to attack me."

Ah! I'm sorry! You just weren't listening to me!

"He stopped attacking me when I said sorry, but I think my dad just intimidated him."

What are you looking at? Is it my dad? Don't be scared of him, he may look mean, but I promise he's really nice once you get to know him! He even gave me this!

"I started talking to me, but he just stared. I gave him one of my gold anklets."

See? What kind of meanie gives stuff away for free?


How about you have one? It's a bit heavy for me anyways. 

"I gave him one of my anklets, and he liked it... I think. He never made any effort to stop me doing anything."

See? Look at yourself in the water, you're really pretty! Are you a boy or a girl?


Why don't you say anything? Or even move? Am I scary?


"He grunted and left, but he didn't take the anklet off, even when I saw him the next day."

Oh! It's you! You didn't take the anklet off, did you?

"In fact, I saw him everyday at the same place, and I think we became friends. One day, he introduced me to his family."

Is this your nest? It's so small! 

"He didn't have a mother, or a father even."

Where is your dad?

"But he had a lot of siblings, and they were all different colours."

Woah! You have so many brothers and sisters! I wish I had a brother and a sister too.

"We continued to be friends for years, and I even brought him to my father a few times. That's how he got his rainbow, I painted it on him when we found out how to make paint."

This is so cool! We should paint those colours that come out in the sky when it's sunny after it rains! That way, I can always tell it's you when you're standing next to Jiro. She's such a similar colour to you y'know, I almost can't tell the difference! Especially when you two act similar. Lucky you're bigger, right Toshi?

"One day, he was just never there. I went to his nest to check, but none of his siblings were there either."

Toshi? Jiro? Kaminari? Tokoyami?  What the...

What is this? Is that... the king's... crest? What? 

"There was a bunch of blood on the ground next to your crest."

So... the king... did this? That... BITCH!

"The stench of blood was heavy in the air, it filled me with dread, as the long claw marks of fighting dragons and swords imprints were evident in every spare inch of my second home. My breath quickened, my heart pounded as my mind's eye saw what had taken place with cries and hisses and the shadows of my family struggling and suffering.

My feet began to move backward as the sight of black dried blood clashing in my eyes, and stinging tears lined my lids. Horror was pained before me and I felt my sanity slowly slipping. It couldn't be, it isn't happening, it didn't happen! I lied to myself trying to cover up the truth as my body quaked and my breath was lost to me. I felt like I was drowning as I gulped in the air but was unsatisfied. My hands folded to my chest to calm my breaking heart.

What had happened? I had just seen them. I had visited them yesterday, yesterday they were here, fine and happy. This couldn't be my reality.

Then I saw it, the crest of the kingdom. Your kingdom.

My body froze, stunned. Now all was confirmed before me.

Something else was the reason my body shook. It was a deep boiling in me and set a fire that caused needles to stab every inch of my skin. My teeth and fist clenched, I felt pain, and I planned on using it." Izuku's gazed up at the king with a scowl rivalling the blonde's own. The crimson eyes grew wide and his body riddled with gooseflesh, staring back at him was unbridled hatred. 

"It was reality, the reality you caused. And I plan to make you pay dearly for this and my suffering." He spits on the floor near the kings' feet. "Bitch." His eyes raised and a deep frown was chiseled in his face contorting it.


Hey guys! Short chapter here. I feel like Izuku would only ever swear at the king. It was really funny writing what he said at the end. He's was just there like- 'Fuck you. Oh and take offence.' I'm not that good at the threatening part of things, so I didn't really know what to put there, but I hope GhostninjaX can help TT^TT. Sorry for the short chapter, I will try to get it a bit longer next time.

Word count: 814

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