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Helena's pov

My eyes fluttered open as the morning sunshine poured onto my face. I pulled the covers over my face trying to get back to sleep. After what felt like 5 seconds of sleep I heard my mum shout up the stairs. "Helena time to get up"

I groaned and rolled over ignoring her calls. Suddenly the thumping of my mother's foot steps assending the stairs made me shoot upright in my bed, as I didn't want her to drag me out.

The door creaked open and my mother's head peered in through the gap.
"honey its time to get out of bed breakfast is ready." she said softly

"OK, OK I'm coming now. "
My mum nodded and went back downstairs.

I slipped out from under my covers and immediately wanted to get back in as the cold air met my skin. I reached my hands up to my face and gently rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up a little more.

After going into the bathroom and bumping into everything in my way, I slowly stumbled down the stairs. All of a sudden I felt my foot slip from underneath me and I started to fall until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist to stop me from tumbling down. When I turned around I saw the smiling face of my sister.

My sister tilda and I were extremely close we did everything together despite our age gap. Tilda was 7 years older than me and was in her last year of hogwarts.

Her hair turned a soft pastel yellow as she started giggling.
"you are so clumsy."
My hair turned blue as I rolled my eyes at her.

I turned back around and started to walk down the corridor to the dining room where breakfast was all layed out on the table. I grinned at the sight of my plate of a full English, without mushrooms coz they are gross. I sat down next to my two older brothers who were already shoveling food into their mouths. I scrunched my face up in disgust.
"you guys are so gross." I muttered.

My brothers were so busy eating that they hadn't even realised I was there. That both jumped and nearly choked on their food.

"Helena come on you know the rules no interrupting us while we are eating." josh exclaimed whilst trying to wipe his face with his sleeve.

"sorry." I chuckled

"Joshua. How many times have I told you not to use your sleeves as a napkin." my mum huffed as she layed hers and my dad's plates on the table.

"Helena the post has come and there's a letter for you." my dad called from the front door.

"me? Why would I get post?"

I stood up and went over to collect the post. When I picked up my letter, I stood there for a moment questioning who would be writing to me before turning it over. My eyes widened  as I remembered today was my 11th birthday.

I held my letter above my head as I sprinted into the dining room chanting "it came, it came!"

Everyone looked up from there breakfast smiling at my excitement.

"go on Helena open it." Tilda said encouraging me.

I quickly flipped it over and tore open the envelope. Inside was a letter that read.

Dear Miss Snow,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on 1st September  We await your owl by no later than 31st July Yours sincerely,
Minerva Magonagall
Deputy headmistress

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