Death Threats

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Helena's pov

As the train arrived we all gathered our belongings and started to leave the compartment.

When we got outside it was raining quite heavily so we dashed through the mud to the carriages.

In my carriage it was Lee, George, Fred and I. In the other was Katie, Alicia and Joanna, as Angelina had buggered off somewhere else.

As always the carriages pulled themselves up to the castle entrance.

One by one we all got out of the carriages. When I was going down the muddy steps I slipped and fell, I closed my eyes waiting to feel my body smash onto the ground.

Out of nowhere I felt someone catch me.

I opened my eyes to Fred holding me in his arms.

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We just stayed there for a moment gazing into eachother's eyes.

I couldn't help but notice he had deep Hazel brown eyes with little golden flecks in them.

"ahem guys we're still here. And if you don't mind I would love to eat today."

I could feel myself blushing as I broke eye contact with him to stare at the floor.

Fred sighed and placed me gently back on my feet.

I felt so embarrassed I had to get away from him so I quickly told them I was going to meet up with the girls, so we could find Angelina.

Obviously that was a big fat lie. I couldn't care less where she was in fact I'd hoped she had gone back home on the train.

Before Fred could stop me I took off running towards the great hall.

Fred's pov

I watched Helena run off towards the great Hall feeling so angry at George.

"what did you do that for!?" I spat as I slapped my brothers arm.

"I'm cold, wet and very hungry. You guys were taking forever. Besides why would you care unless you like her."my brother smirked at me trying to get a confession out of me.

"I care because shes my best friend not because I like her ya loony." I scoffed

"right, right sure that's the reason you just stood there holding her and staring at her. Because your best friends now I get it. Thanks for the explanation." he replied sarcastically as he turned away and started walking towards the castle.

"you know he's right, it is pretty obvious. Its like the only people who don't know are you and her." Lee called as he followed after George.

I stood by myself in the rain thinking about what they had said. 'did I really like Helena. I mean if I did there's no way she'd like me back'.

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