The Creatures' Valentines Day Stream Extravaganza! [ 4 ] - NovaFoxHD

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- Woo~! Let's do this~!


The Valentines day Stream was still going on, however, there were only three men in the room since it seems that everyone left so they can give them some room to talk. All three men were just sitting around the stream was still recording them. One of the men got up and stared at the two; said man had a love triangle with the other two within the room. He seemed to love them both an equal amount, and didn't want to hurt either of them. The Russian made his way over to the Latino and knelled down between his legs, tipping his head up so he can capture the other within a surprise kiss. Said other can't help but to giggle as he returns the kiss, holding him close. The Rager on the other side of the room growls as he turns to watch the stream explode with fangirls screaming about ImmortalFox will never die.

James frowns as he turns to watch them even closer, Aleks was now on the others lap, seeming to be in a deep kiss to even acknowledge the others presence within the room. He didn't even speak so it was kind of his fault that he didn't get attention but who the hell cares?

Aleks parts from the kiss as he stares at his best friend, a little smile on his face as he gets off of his lap and moves over to James, swiveling his chair around as he plops down in his lap now, arms moving around his neck as he does the same thing with Eddie, only making things a lot more rougher; James didn't return the kisses or any of the touches and that made Aleks frown. He moves his head away from him as he turns his head, a frown now on his face as well, "James..? What's wrong..?"

James growls as he hears the other speak; he pushes the other off of his lap which causes a soft gasp to slip from his lips, and a certain Latino to be by his side to make sure that he's alright, "That's the fucking problem, Aleksandr..! This! Eddie! Everything..! You can only have one, Aleks. Why don't you just pick Eddie other than playing with my fucking heart..!?"


"No, Aleks.."

Eddie frowns as he watches the other as he seems like he's on the verge of tearing up. He loves both of the boys who were in the room and he can't pick. He can't state that he can since he's dealing with James; James isn't one to take things lightly. He does get upset rather easily and this, Valentines Day, he doesn't want to make him mad, nor does he want to hurt his best Friends feelings by choosing the Rager other than him. He's in a love triangle that it seems he can't get out of.


"Aleks.. You don't have to explain yourself.."

Eddie. He's always been so kind to him. But sometimes gentleness isn't what he wanted all of the time. He liked Eddie because he was so gentle. Every touch sent his body into over drive and begging for more; however, when he was with James, his rough exterior pissed him off to no end but he couldn't help but to fall for the rager after they've spent so much time together. Every touch James gave him sent his body into over drive as well, but he wanted so much more from him but he never gave it to him. He loved to tease him until he was a begging mess and opened his mouth to beg for it. Unlike Eddie who asked for permission, James went without asking, which is another thing he liked about him.

He can't choose either man right now, which is the sad part.

Aleks stood up as he moves an arm around Eddie, dragging the male to where James was as he linked his other arm around the ragers neck, pulling them both into a hug, keeping them both close, the stream camera catching everything; said stream seemed to quiet down as they watched the touching scene before them, not wanting to interrupt them.

"I love you both.. I can't choose who I want right now.. Eddie.." Aleks stops speaking as he turns his head towards the Latino, a small, yet sad smile on his face. "You're so gentle to me. I love it but sometimes I wish you were a bit more rougher and didn't ask for permission all the time. You treat me as if I'm a body made of glass and could break at any moment if a touch isn't approved of. I'm not made of glass, Eddie. I'm human.. You don't have to be afraid to get a little rough.." Aleks now turned his attention to the Rager beside him, moving his hand that was around his neck into his hair, gently pulling as he got a soft growl from him. "James.. I love it when you're rough.. You treat me a sometimes mean but I always come back to you when I need you and you always know waht to give me when I do. You're rough; I love it when you're rough.. Half the time I think you're going to break me but most of the time you don't care, you just keep going and ask questions later.." Aleks buries his head between the two males who kept close, arms wrapping around him so they can both comfort him since it seems he needs it. "Eddie.. James.. Can we just get along and not worry about who has the most love..? Because I love you both equally and can't choose.. I don't want to hurt either of you.. I don't want our friendship to end because I broke one of your hearts and one of you got jealous.." Aleks pauses for the final time as he kept hold fo the men even tighter; he can feel the salty tears begin to fall but he doesn't move away, though his voice proves that he's on the verge of crying. "...I want to be with both of you; you both make me happy.. I'd be lost without either of you in my life.. Please.. Will–Will you both be my Valentines..? I can't live with myself if I broke one of your hearts..:

Eddie listens to his friend speak every single word he had to get off of his chest. He didn't know that he loved James just as much as he loved him and it just broke his heart not knowing what the toher was going through. His body must have been heavily confused and didn't want to break either of their hearts so he's going with his gut feeling even if that means being with both of them and making them jealous of each other.

James on the other hand calmed down on an instant. He heard the Russian's words and they sank in heavily; he wanted to be with Aleks, but he didn't want to deal with Eddie being in the way. If being with both of them made Aleks happy, he'll have to deal with it.

"I would love to be your Valentine, Aleks.."

Aleks looked over to Eddie as he faintly smiles, leaning over to give the other a quick peck on the lips, then his attention moves over to James, a soft frown on his face as he didn't move away from either of them, hoping the answer the rager gives him is the one he wants to hear.

James sighs, as his eyes look right into Aleks', lips meeting Russian ones as he very faintly smiles, "I'll be your Valentine too, Aleksandr.."

Aleks squeaks out as he holds both men close to him, his eyes now brimming over with tears in happiness, a soft sigh slipping his lips as he only says two words, and two words only.

"Thank you..."


I wrote this within about 20 minuets. I just had the idea and just went with it. I'm very pleased with the outcome of this. I'm doing this now because my Birthday is tomorrow [Japan time.] and it'll be in two days in the states [Feb. 13th [It's fucking Friday the 13th both in Japan and in the States. Damnit..] ] So.~ I may post tomorrow, or I may not. Wish me happy birthdays~! If you want to get to know me personally, or just fangirl about the Creatures, follow my Twitter! @xQueenOfHorror. I don't bite. Much. If you also liked this, give it a star~! You can also leave requests for any last minuet Valentines Day Stream that I'll be doing; I'll do a few more but that's about it! And, as always, if you want, you can follow me.~ I'll appricate it with a passion.~

I love you~!

~ SinfulWordMaster

[ AKA ]

~ The-Writer-Of-Sins

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