Pickled Sausage || DanzHawk

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I am currently listening to Luigi's Ballad from Starbomb on repeat while I write this. This is fucking amazing.

"Well his whole body is shaped like a dick..." - Princess Peach. No wonder... xD.

I won't be adding too much from the Hub; It'll be some new stuff and my own stuff. I don't like copying from the Hub or anything. It's not really a fic if you do that. It's just a form of pladgerism.


Fan mail seemed to be the highlight of the Hub. But this time on the Hub, they got some odd things that they didn't even know they existed. Both Dan and Keven were searching through the package as they pull out some sort of pickled object. They read it off as a picked sausage. Who the fuck pickles a sausage? Weird people.

"You have to eat that." Is the only thing one of the men say. Dan begins to unpackage the odd meal as he holds it up, Kevin pointing to it saying that it was dripping. Dan puts the meat in his mouth as he juts his head forward, Kevin meeting him half way as they both take a bite out of the meat. Both of them have a piece as they chew, but soon make an odd face and makes their way into the kitchen to discard the foreign object that made their taste buds scream in agony. They both make it back to the cameras view, faces of disgust on their faces as Dan picks up the meat, throwing it at Kevin as he flails and runs away from it as if it was going to kill him.

"Put that meat back in your mouth, Kevin. Fangirls would love it."

"You put it in your mouth."

Dan picks up the meat once again that was now dirty, shoving it in Kevin's face as the camera man zooms in on his face, a disgusted look on his face, "Dan..! Why did you do that..! This shit smells horrible and tastes even worse..!"

The camera shuts off as in the video, the scene changes to something else as both Dan and Kevin stand there, Kevin running away to go throw up most likely as Dan can't help but to laugh.

No more pickled objects, please..~


This had to be done! It had to be!

If you liked this and want more of random things like this or going back to normal, or even more of DanzHawk, let me know and I'll see what I can do! If you also liked this, give it a star~! If you want to get to know me on a personal level, or just fangirl about the Creatures or just blab, follow my Twitter! My Twitter name has changed; it is no longer xQueenOfHorror. It's new name is @TheCreaturette. I don't bite. Much. And, if you want, you can follow me.~ I'll appreciate it with a passion.~

I love you~!

~ SinfulWordMaster

[ AKA ]

~ The-Writer-Of-Sins.

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