Back at One [ SlyPKC ]

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Hello! I am here again.~ And no this is not a song fic based off the song with the same name as this. Me and my girlfriend are having feely moments with SlyPKC so I told her I'd write one. ;~; Who doesn't miss SlyPKC, yo?

Let us begin. ;~;


Nothing was the same at the Hub office ever since Eddie has left. Things were less wild and silly and it just didn't feel the same; however, it wasn't the same for a blonde man who speaks the words of sarcasm. The man of sarcasm missed the golden giggling man pretty much; he wishes he was back but there was really nothing that he, or any of the Creatures could do about it.

However. . .

Jordan was on the phone with someone while the rest of the boys were in the stream room. The man he was on the phone with was unknown until they heard a loud giggle fall from the speaker of the phone, causing the cat man to pull the speaking device away from his ear.

"Glad to see that you're back in Colorado, Eddie. I'll be there to pick you up in a bit, alright?"

They talked for a moment before Jordan got up out of his chair and took out his keys, telling the boys that he's gonna go pick up Eddie as the rest nod. Within about an hour, Jordan came back with someone behind him; he told the one behind him to be quite so he wouldn't give out the secret to the sarcastic man. Eddie giggles quietly as he waves to the boys in the room before making it to Seamus' office. He knocks on the door before slowly making his way in, being as quite as he could which was rather rare for him to do. He walked up behind Seamus, moving an arm around him before leaning down, giving a little peck to his cheek, speaking three simple words he says at the beginning of every video, just less hyper.

"What's up, Homie..~?"

Seamus' eyes widen as he hears the simple intro that he missed so much. He didn't dare look behind him since he wasn't sure if this was real or not. Seamus heard the familiar giggle as he finally turned to look at the other. He kept his stoic look but got up all of a sudden moving his arms around the Latino, bringing him in for a well needed hug. He's missed this man more than he should.

"What are you doing here..?"

"Weeelll..~ I wanted to come and visit so I called Jordan. I told him the plan and he told me that you've been down in the dumps lately so I thought I'd come and say hi to you for a while..~"

Seamus nods as he kept the hug for a moment longer before letting go. Eddie giggles as he did something he wouldn't expect him to do. He leans forward, giving Seamus a few little pecks on the lips, pulling him back to be more closer to him. Seamus didn't respond for a moment but after he felt that things were real and maybe back to normalish, he returned the little pecks with a faint smile on his face. Eddie parts away from the little pecks as he grins, taking Seamus' hand into his own as he made it back o the stream room. Everyone was gone but there was a stream set up that said 'The Return of the SlyPKC Stream!' Everyone in the chat was freaking out and it was too spammed to see what anyone was saying. The cam wasn't on and neither was the mic; the only thing playing was random music until they finally make it to the stream room.

Eddie giggles like a maniac as he looks over to Seamus, plopping down on a chair as he pulls Seamus down with him. He gets the camera up and going and turns on the mic. Eddie smiles like an idiot to the camera, waving at it as he looks over to Seamus, tapping him on the head as he makes him look up as well.

He waits a moment before taking a deep breath, "What's up, Homies! And welcome to the new and improved SlyPKC stream~!"


Er mer gerd. Let the feels commence. ;~;

If you liked this and you want to see more of this or have any requests, put them down below and I shall see what I can do with them! If you also liked this, give it a star~! If you want to get to know me on a personal level or just blab about the Creatures, follow my Twitter and Tumblr! You can send requests to both of them including personal messaging this!

Twitter: TheSinfulMaster

Tumblr: Sinful-Word-Master

I love you~!

~ SinfulWordMaster


~ The-Writer-Of-Sins.

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