Chapter 3: Exams

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Izuku's POV

Kaachan and I walked into the UA with the huge crowd of teenagers. We walked hand in hand through the entrance as we made our way to the written exam room. I was really nervous with all these people around and about passing the physical exam.

"Izu, calm the fuck down before you destroy something," Kaachan says. I can tell he's been using his quirk to keep an eye on me, since after and incident in a crowded mall, he knows I am extremely socially awkward. Honestly, I think he knew before that, since I always stay near him when around knew people.

"I know, I'm trying," I whisper as we walk into our exam room. We take a seat in our exam room and patiently wait for it to start. When it does, we are handed a 200 question quiz, which Kaachan and I were able to answer first, at the same time. We got up, handed our exams in, then left for the auditorium. On our way there, I bumped into this brunette. To keep her from falling, I pulled her close to me and spun us around. Then I let go of her and looked away. I could hear her increased heartbeat and see the blush forming on her cheeks.

"Sorry, I have to go," I say quietly and I walk over to Kaachan, who's standing by the door waiting for me. We walk and take 2 seats next to each other in the back. In the seats are pamphlets that explain the physical exam, just in case they forget something or students weren't listening. After a little while, people slowly start to trickle into the auditorium. The room starts to fill with more people, and some sit beside us. I nervously scoot closer to Kaachan, who holds me close. Once everyone is in the auditorium, Present Mic walks onstage.

"HELLO EXAMINEES!!!" he shouts, causing Kaachan and I to wince. Some people around us looked at us weird, since it wasn't that loud for those in the back.

'Sometimes I hate our enhanced hearing,' Kaachan thinks. I nod my head. I use my creation quirk to make us earplugs so that we can hear like normal people. We put them in and listen to Present Mic as we look over the pamphlet, discussing certain things we work out and comparing things Mic said to the pamphlet. As Mic explains the different robots, a blue haired teen stands up.

"I have a question sir!" he says. Present Mic nods, allowing him to continue. "Aren't there 4 robots instead of 3?" Present Mic nods, about to continue when the teen cuts him off. "Also! You 2! In the back!" He points at us and we freeze. I can't stand having attention on me. "Stop talking while he is explaining! The rest of us are trying to focus and prepare for the exams! You are not the only ones here!" He does some weird air chopping thing that Kaachan snickers at. Then, Kaachan stands up to say something, but I cut him off, not wanting any violence.

"First of all, you were the only one bothered by us talking. Everyone around us appreciated what we were saying," I nervously say as I stand behind Kaachan, and those around us nod.

"Second of all, if you were paying any fucking attention to the pamphlets we were given, you would fucking know that there were 4 robots and you wouldn't have had to stand up and disrupt everyone who is fucking trying to focus. So why don't you sit the fuck down and let everyone focus on their exams, or is that too much to ask?!" The teen shrinks into his seat as the audience applauds Kaachan and I as Present Mic tries not to laugh. The rest of the introduction goes smoothly and soon enough, the physical exam came. Kaachan and I unfortunately had to go to a separate exam site from each other.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine. You do have fucking 9 quirks!" Kaachan says while we're away from the other examinees. I nod, not being able to do anything else, and peck him on the lips. Then we split up and get ready for the physical exams. I head to the changing room and put on a black tank top that says "Fuck Off" in white letters that belongs to Kaachan, a pair of army print ripped jeans, black combat boots, and a dark orange hoodie that says "I'm Not Antisocial I Just Don't Like You" on it. I walk out to my exam site and start stretching in front of the gate, prepping for the exam. I see the brunette girl heading my way and can hear her heartbeat increasing as she gets closer. Luckily, the boy from earlier stops her. I move closer to the entrance, away from them, and patiently wait for the exam to start.

The gates suddenly started opening and I ran through them as fast as possible, trying to get ahead. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GO!!!" Present Mic yelled over the speakers, and soon everyone was behind me. I had already managed to destroy several bots before anyone else's even started running and had already racked up a lot of points. I continued on for a few minutes, destroying robots here, saving people there, before Present Mic sounded over the speakers. "2 MINUTES LEFT!!!"

I continued on before seeing that brunette from before trapped under some rubble, the huge Zero Pointed towering over her. It looked like it was going to crush her, so I glitched in front of her. Then I activated glitch again and electrocuted the Zero Pointer, and made it fall backwards with my telekinesis after I fried it so it wouldn't crush us. "EXAM OVER!!!" Present Mic screeched over the speakers as the Zero Pointer hit the ground. I sighed and pulled my sweater off and wrapped it around my waist, then I went over to the brunette and helped pull the debris off of her.

"Thanks," she replied as I sat her on of the pieces of the Zero Pointer. I nod as I examine her leg. It definitely is sprained. I grab a metal pole and a piece of cloth as start people start gathering around us. I motion one of the people around us, a boy with bright red hair and eyes, to sit next to her and hold her hand. He seems to understand and takes her hand. "This will hurt a little," I quietly warn her. As I straighten her leg, she screams and squeezes the guys hand so hard he has to activate his quirk, which is a hardening quirk. I put the pole next to it and tie the cloth around it just as Recovery Girl comes around the corner.

"Nice job there, young man. Making my work a little easier," she says. I turn and smile at her then stand up and dust myself off. I bow at Kirishima and Recovery Girl then take my leave. "Wait a minute dear!" Recovery Girl says. I turn around. "I have 2 questions for you." I nod and patiently wait for her to continue. "Are you the one who took down the Zero Pointer?" I nod and look down, slightly embarrassed. "Do you want me to heal that cut in your cheek?" I reach my hands up to my cheeks and feel for a cut. I pull my right hand down and see the blood on my fingers. I shake my head and bow, thanking her. "Alright then," she says and goes back to the other examinees.

I leave and head over to the entrance where Kaachan is waiting for me. "How do you think you did?" he asks. "I think I did pretty well," I sigh. "I ran into the brunette from earlier and saved her, and now I think she's obsessed with me," I say. Kaachan laughs and grabs my hand. I smile and peck him on the lips. Then we go home.

Time Skip to 1 Week Later

Kaachan and I both just received our letter form UA telling us if we got in or not. Since I am not the bravest one here, Kaachan opens his first. A little disk with and All Might hologram pops out.

"Hello! I AM HERE!!! To tell you your results! You, young man, have officially earned yourself a spot in the UA hero course, Class 1-A! You should be proud! You and another young man are tied for first place with the same amount of exam points! I am excited to say you are both tied for first place in your class as well! I can't wait to see you in my class!" the hologram says before shutting off. I open my envelope and take out my hologram.

"Hello! I AM HERE!!! To tell you your results! You, young man, have officially earned yourself a spot in the UA hero course, Class 1-A! You should be proud! You and another young man are tied for first place with the same amount of exam points! I am excited to say you are both tied for first place in your class as well! I can't wait to see you in my class!" When my hologram shut off, I started crying. Kaachan hugged me smiling. "We're going to UA," I say, trying to believe it. "We're going to UA!"

"We're going to UA together," Kaachan says and kisses me. "Together," I tell him after we pull away. "Together."

Thanks once more for reading and I hope you enjoyed! That's all for now. Bye!

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