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What should we do Hayley we must fight and that's why my army is coming, then why are you going said Michael because I am the queen and I make the orders for the pack so we must fight and I am coming with my pack. So I got my army filled with millions of wolves and we were on our way. we traveled a long time then we were ready but for some reason the hunters were not there so we waited and waited but there's nothing. In my mind I  was thinking did we really come all this way for nothing I  thought and then there they were and they had an army too then all of a sudden there was a storm coming and I  felt that someone had magic then I knew its Lexie has magic. Its like that was there entrance and then it started rain it was raining so hard. There was a bad wind and that was just the beginning of it. Then there was a tornado but Lexie does not have the power like I  do so we were fine. but then it stopped then I turned around and I saw Sam and Dean just looking at us like we loosed but then it was so sunny out side and then it went foggy and I was thinking its Sam and Dean they were cheating they were using magic so I stopped that and it was still foggy so we started the war because I wanted to get it done and over with. But good thing about wolves is that they can see through fog and everything and in the night to. I said half go the rest stay I'm going at the last and so was Michael so we wanted then I said on my count you go three two one go! so they ran so fast and they were attacking then the next one had to go and I was so weird that we would loose but I had to keep going until the war is over. Then I said the same thing ok pack on my count go ok three two one go! they did the same only this time some of them turned there selves into wolves. Sam and Dean were just standing looking at me I new that's what they were after so it was my turn. Michael said I'll take Sam and you'll take dean I said three ... two ... one ... go! We went dashing I went to dean Michael went to Sam we were fighting and then finally Michael got Sam and then Lexi was going to Michael so I punched her then Dean followed me so then I fought him to we were fighting boy and girl. I got injured really bad but I kept fighting back I thought that we were going to loose I just couldn't get that out of my mind. But I  didn't know wolves were dying hunters were dying too.  Then at last we were almost done the only person we had to get left was Dean then we killed him and finally at last we win.  We were going home and I just wanted to have peace with them but we had to kill them and a couple of years later me and Michael got married and we had kids.  We were safe at last or so she thought.

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