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"I'm fine, Ella!"

Sirius exclaimed, swatting my hand away.

"Says the one who's currently bed ridden! You scared us, you dog."
My eyes almost rolled to the back of my head, hearing him sigh while laying back down.

It's been a few weeks since he was almost killed and Harry's back at home with the Dursley's (Sirius had wanted him to be with him this summer but it seems it can't happen yet)

"Still not surprised Malfoy is a Death eater,"
The man with curly hair flipped through my notepad, reading what I've found out during that whole fiasco.

"It was kinda obvious, don't'cha think? He was the moody, brooding type of man,"
I acted out like a zombie with a scowl,

"If you can even call him a man!"
He cackled, slapping his knee before choking up.

I sighed, walking up to get his water.

"Feels like I'm taking care of a grandpa..."


My body was sweating like crazy.

How'd we get into this position anyway?

Remus standing closely in front of me, both of my wrists in his hand. A scowl had etched into his face,
I gulped, our breaths caressing our lips, holding back our desires as it was slowly filling inside us, overflowing.

"Quite cozy, aren't we..?"
I chuckled, trying to diffuse the tension.

His rugged hand cup my face, a little tightly, his jaw clenched hard.
"Very cozy. It'd be more cozy if we--"


We pulled apart. Brushing my hands on my pants, seeing a skeptical look on Kingsley's face.

"Interrupting something, am I?"

A chorus of no's went around, shaking my head ferociously.

Our eyes gazed upon eachother as we follow the man downstairs.

"As you all know, Harry is going back to Hogwarts soon..."

I couldn't hear any more than that. I was too busy replaying what happened a few minutes earlier.
He was angry. And I mean very angry. So angry I thought I heard him growl,

"Dora..? Dora--"

"Hm? Sorry, I was lost a bit in thought,"

I didn't need to look around to know if everyone's eyes are on me, I could already feel it.

"We wondered if you'd look over Sirius and help the bloke heal up."
Remus slapped the man on the shoulder, earning him a groan.

"I'm not so sure I'm able to. Some family matters raised up, I'm sure mum and dad want me home with them.."

Sirius stood up, his hands on my shoulder.
"What..?! So I'd be lonely for a year? No more Elladora and her painful voice nagging me like a mother? Oh, how miserable..!"

"Har har, Black. I'm sure you'd miss me terribly, like a dog waiting for its owner!"


Our banter shortly ended after Remus sat Sirius down again.

Every meeting we had, Tonks would always grab my hand and draw small circles on my palm. She'd tell me that it helps her focus more and not let her mind wander wherever so I'd allow her to do it.

Her hair would sometimes slightly change colour, sometimes matching my Quill, and I almost caught Remus staring at me... Or atleast I assumed so.

The first semester of Hogwarts had started, and Hermione had already mailed me that Harry was bloodied up on the first day.

Sirius was anxious! Worried out of his mind, his letters had sloppy handwriting with words almost unreadable. Sending mail one after the other continously.

My dad had gotten fed up with it. He started to drive the owl away with brooms after the letters been delivered.

My mum had wanted me home with them because of all the attacks happening and also because of my grandparents.

They'd suddenly force me to come to their cabin, to get to know me. As if I didn't know what they wanted from me, I'd rejected them, of course. They couldn't coerce me into becoming one of them, a death eater.



Hey everyone! I appreciate you reading this fanfic and I really enjoy reading all the comments,

I just wanted to let all you know that this fanfic is ending soon, but I will be making four more and it will be with three of the Marauders and Regulus Black.

Thank you for reading!

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