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The war was far from over. Hours away from dawn, we sat still. Hoping that time would be just an illusion and that our wounds would be healed by the time we'd fight again.

"Your eye's gotten whiter than before."
Remus said, brushing my hair past my face.

"I'm losing vision. Of course it'd turn white..." Being blind did have its disadvantages. I almost had died so many times because of the constant moving and my blurry vision.

"We will live, Ella. Voldemort will be defeated."

"I'm only hoping. I still want to see your stupid, idiotic faces when I wake up."
I giggled, feeling Sirius rest his head on me.

"After the war, we can live normally."
Sirius sighed, his hand stretching out, as if reaching for something.

"Have we ever achieved normality?"
Tonks asked, sitting down by my feet as her finger traced small shapes on my leg.

"I don't think we have. Normality seems so... "
I trailed off.. Not knowing what words to use.

"So far yet so close."
Sirius continued my sentence.

"All of us had almost died. I'm sure we're not having the normality we crave right now," Tonks smiled, "Harry can help us. He's been so brave.."

"Just like his stubborned father."
Remus had reminisced,

"Gryffindor, through and through."
Sirius bumped fists with Remus.

We were casted out as a wind of green swept at our feet.

The killing curse had been casted.

Hermione and Ron had been so distraught over Harry giving himself up.

Saying he's been a Horcrux all along.

It clicked now.

Sirius had been outraged. The five of us barely keeping him restrained as he yelled out to Harry.

The only family he had left was now gone.

Everyone had gone silent. The quiet chatter and whispers stopped all completely.

The usual bright sun, had became so blue with clouds shying it away as people went out to see the army of death eaters and Hagrid.

And finally,

Voldemort himself.

The body of a small, brave boy who was just a child, carried by the arms of Hagrid.

"Harry Potter..."

"Is dead!"

Ginny had outraged. Screaming along with Sirius.

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